MovieChat Forums > A Monster Calls (2017) Discussion > Do people crave bad quality?

Do people crave bad quality?

maybe it's just me, but it always seems that high quality meaningful stuff gets the boot today, and people just go for sex, bad writing and acting etc. Huxley predicted this in his brave new world book, but this movie seems to be flopping, and yet it was so moving and touching. The acting was so good, I loved the directing. Why do you think movies like this flop?


Because the majority of moviegoers today are looking for violence, sex, explosions, etc... Not cinematic art, like I would consider this movie.

Right now, we are alive... And in this moment, I swear... We are infinite.


Because general audiences are looking for a distraction, a cheap thrill if you will. So studios churn out disposal 'entertainment' to cater to people that will pay for them to play it safe. Artistic vision is not important to them and the studios listens to them by looking at box office numbers.

There's a hole in the world. Feels like we ought to have known. - Spike


To add to what indysoul said. Also ticket prices are a big factor. Between seats and sweets, especially if you are taking the family or whatever is damn expensive. So something like this is more risky. You want your moneys worth so you pick what is familiar or brand loyalty.


I think the answer is two-fold. On the one hand you have audiences who have been routinely spoon fed tripe like comic book movies and remakes. So they've developed a taste for crap. On the other hand Hollywood has no idea how to market anything that isn't the usual super hero nonsense.

Just like with BFG I barely even knew anything about this movie and probably would have skipped it. But I had a free ticket and didn't want to waste it on another pointless Star Wars movie like I did last year.

Warlock: What, like you're a big fan of the Fett?
McLane: No, I was always more of a Star Wars guy.


Geez, gotta talk down about other movie types of movies while putting up one type of movie.. Superhero movies are fun, and they have story.. This is just more slow paced, and focused on deep issues.. Yes, this movie is underrated box office wise because it's not as fast paced, and fun as Superhero, or raunchy comedy movies.. But, that doesn't make those movies bad..


I think it's flopping because there are two kinds of films that are crowding theaters right now. The bigger studio stuff that just automatically gets more theaters because of the money behind those films and then you have the Awards caliber stuff as well. This unfortunately doesn't seem to be making it into the later category so it gets overlooked.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


hi majandra!

i just watched this the other night and i definitely liked it and think it was a quality movie in every respect (except for Sigourney's terrible "English" accent...i do love Sigourney though!). tbh, i had no idea really what this movie was about. i never watched the trailers for it nor had i read up on it. i'm glad i watched it but had i known the movie had cancer as a main storyline/plot point and that the movie was as heartbreaking as it was, i may have chosen to watch it at a different time (in my life). i lost both my mom & little brother 2 months apart 3 years ago to cancer, so i'm not really looking for movies/shows like this unless i know i'm up for it emotionally. i freely admit i was all out balling my eyes out by the end of this film. i wonder if the movie isn't doing better at the box office because word of mouth/reviews revealed how heartbreaking the film is. maybe people aren't in the mood for a sad film right now?


People are complicated. This is the type of movie people will appreciate, but not actively be drawn to. If you think about it, This movie doesn't really have an audience. It's too adult for children, but too childish for adults, at first glance anyway. My bet is this is a movie that most people will stumble on and really enjoy.
