Wow this looks stupid beyond comprehension
First, anyone who says "duh it's a movie" can suck a dick because I'm aware of that. I'm simply pointing out that it's a dumb as shyt movie that doesn't even look funny. Movies like this are why Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Kevin Hart have careers.
-Ice Cube has nothing to gain from fighting a pip-squeek like Charlie Day no matter what the reason is. He'd just lose "tough guy" cred.
-Police don't laugh off reports of threats and intimidation; if they did and the person who called got assaulted they'd be sued for millions. Doesn't matter if it's an adult. The fat dispatch lady must be retarded as well to think only children call 911 when there's an immediate physical threat present.
-Ice Cube destroys school property that he won't pay for.
-A teacher getting the students riled up for a fight is basically telling them that fighting is a good way to handle their stupid issues instead of being adults about it.