Hollywood has run out of movie ideas
This is just another one of those, "Ride along" or "Central Intelligence" movies. Looking forward to Fist Fight 2, in 2018.
shareThis is just another one of those, "Ride along" or "Central Intelligence" movies. Looking forward to Fist Fight 2, in 2018.
shareYou just listed two movies that are different from one another and even more different from this movie. I don't see your complaint
shareThe two you mentioned were passable opposites attract buddy comedies, this looks like a weak SNL skit idea that wouldn't have even made it to air, inexplicably turned into a ninety minute film.
shareOh shut up. This movie could be terrible (it probably will be) but I can't stand the "Hollywood is running out of ideas" tirade. Whenever a truly refreshing and original movie comes out, it ALMOST ALWAYS flops (see Swiss Army Man, Nice Guys, etc., not brilliant but very enjoyable). Of course you are going to see sequels and remakes 90% of the time - they are the only ones making money nowadays.
shareInstead of sitting here complaining about this movie, go and watch all the more original movies that comes out. They really need it as they are mostly flops in the theaters, so I can really understand Hollywood for aiming on movies that might earn them some cash instead of them losing money all the time.
Also, Ride along and Central Intelligence are different movies. Sure they have some of the same ingredients, but got enought differences to differentiate them from eachother.
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It's not only that they have run out of ideas, they copy the dumb ideas that they do have. Cat Fight comes out the week before this one does.
Warlock: What, like you're a big fan of the Fett?
McLane: No, I was always more of a Star Wars guy.
At least this one has people in it. Remember we got an emoji movie coming out this year.
Whatever you are, be a good one.