What the hell was that?

Seriously. I honestly don't know what I just watched. It was one of the poorest shot and edited together films I have ever seen. I still don't know what the plot was. Too much shaky cam, convoluted plot and too many porn stars. The best parts were the beginning with Matt and Mark and the ending with Tommy Wiseau. You know you have made an awful film when you have to explain in writing on screen who the character is. Avoid this. It's just plain bad. Deadliest Prey did it better.


the question is, did they succeed in making the film they wanted to? Poorly shot and badly edited with convoluted plot seemed to be the modus operandi here. I have to give them credit for not just doing a Birdemic 2, but unfortunately it is very rare that sequels to "so bad they're good" films actually work the second time out because they are now in on the joke, and no one laughs at the intentional fool.
