I'm surprised that people could call this a pro-drug-war film. The theme of the movie was encapsulated in the scene where her supervisor tells her that the multi-agency task force's authorization came from people were elected, not appointed.
The whole rotten business of cartel violence, vigilantism, drug-related black ops, police corruption, etc. would wither away if only our elected representatives would pursue legalization already. And I don't just mean weed. I mean everything across the board. The violence just isn't worth it. Prohibition will always be a net drain on society.
Really, every crime drama that involves drugs has this overarching theme, whether the producers realize it or not.
If the USA and Mexico and the rest of the world legalize marijuana, one thing will lead to another and other activists and groups will demand to legalize other drugs as well; hard stuff like cocaine, heroin, PCP, LSD, etc. Do you have any idea of the number of addicts and users will be once that happens, not to mention the number of drug related deaths, especially among the young teenage set? It would never end. Instead of spending billions of dollars to fight the cartel violence, we would be spending billions of dollars building rehab programs and de-tox clinics for the many millions of young kids teenagers, and other people who become addicted to those drugs, especially marijuana, hashish, opium, crack cocaine, etc. With the number of junkies and pot users sky rocketing, it would only lead to more problems then solutions. Legalizing any drugs like those listed above is out of the question, and I will always stick by it.
You can't get addicted to Marijuana. And alcohol is far more dangerous and its legal.
Besides which, opiates are already legal, all you need is a prescription from your doctor and you're an addict for life. The idea that the number of addicts and junkies would skyrocket is far fetched paranoia. It hasn't happened in Portugal. And even if it did, it's far better to be a legal addict or dealer that can get treatment and not be stigmatized/punished by the legal system, which doesn't help either. I would gladly support the huge investment of building detox centers and rehab clinics that actually help people, rather than the violence of the war on drugs that gets people hurt and killed. Heck, the rehabilitation industry has the ability to generate billions of dollars in revenue. At the very least we should decriminalize drugs and start treating addiction as a disease, and not a crime.
And let's be perfectly honest here: I would have no trouble get any drug I wanted right now. The only real danger is potentially being robbed or busted by the police, and that threat of a ruined life only exists because of this stupid philosophy that prohibition is helping us.
~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.
You clearly have never experienced the real world pain of drug addiction nor do you realize the connection between drug traffic and organized crime.
The already legalized opiate trade is something you should study. There's still an epidemic of problems with addiction and health effects, up to and including death. Resale of legal opiates and substitutes creates echo waves of the same legal, health, violence and property issues. You want a world where oxycontin and fentanyl are sold in vending machines, you'll get a world that's would resemble scenes from The Walking Dead.
nor do you realize the connection between drug traffic and organized crime.
And where do you think drug traffickers and organized crime come from? Prohibition creates a breeding ground for suppliers in the underground market that also increases drug-related violence and deaths. The irony is that despite the trillions of dollars that we have spent on fighting a war on drugs, they have only become more potent, cheaper, and more available. It is nothing but a giant fraud, considering that the US government is the world's largest drug dealer. It is also this failed drug policy that gave rise to Mexico's cartels.
The already legalized opiate trade is something you should study. There's still an epidemic of problems with addiction and health effects, up to and including death. Resale of legal opiates and substitutes creates echo waves of the same legal, health, violence and property issues
Exactly, because it's perfectly okay for pharmaceutical companies to create a nation reliant on pill-popping, and it's the doctors that prescribe millions of pills such as OxyContin or Oxycodone to people, which ends up in the hands of dealers who go on to sell it to others, but of course we wouldn't persecute any of the people who are busy pumping these drugs out would we? Maybe you should research into what industries benefit from the war on drugs, and then maybe you'll realize who has their fingers in our politician's pockets.
You want a world where oxycontin and fentanyl are sold in vending machines, you'll get a world that's would resemble scenes from The Walking Dead.
Ugh, nice straw man. Decriminlization is not the same as legalization, but i understand that is anathema to most conservative idiots.
It wouldn't be any worse than this world of increased street use, organized crime, drug trafficking, violence, militarization of our police, corruption, criminalization of the victims, mass incarceration, and economic burden that the Farce on Drugs has created.
~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here. reply share
Ah, there's that liberal "tolerance" we all know and love. So, anyone that disagrees with you and your brilliant theory must be a "conservative idiot"? Do you think you are the only person in the world with a college degree? Let me tell you something, every person I ever knew that wanted to legalize drugs wanted to do it so they could freely smoke weed-- end of story.
Let's say drugs are legalized genius--then who gets them? Would you be okay with your surgeon smoking a big blunt before they operate on you? Would you be okay with your children's school bus driver shooting up a bit of black tar before they take your kiddies to school? Would you be okay with your electrician getting wasted before they work on your home? Who is going to pay for all of the new people on welfare because you know that will happen as more people turn into useless drug addicts.
And who controls the drugs? I hate to ruin your liberal narrative by pointing out the obvious flaw in your argument. But the government, which is undoubtedly who you will say should be the "enforcer" of drug laws, cannot even stop 18-year-olds from drinking. Are you really so naive that you think the government could stop people who shouldn't have drugs from getting them?
"Let me tell you something, every person I ever knew that wanted to legalize drugs wanted to do it so they could freely smoke weed-- end of story. "
Hi, nice to meet you. I guess you've met the first person that you know who agrees with everything degree7 said but DOESN'T use any drugs...well except alcohol and caffeine...you know, the legal ones. And yes, those are drugs.
The world certainly didn't end when prohibition ended and it won't if they ever take their head out of the a$$ and legalize drugs either.
Or perhaps you are suggesting that we make alcohol illegal again. I mean look at the damage it does, deaths related to over-consumption, driving while under the influence, other stupid stuff people do under the influence. And then there's the risk of addiction and the medical cost of all of it. And for god's sake, think of the families and the children of alcoholic parents! Partially quoting the Simpsons there...
OR, how about letting the adults decide what they want to do with their bodies? I don't smoke weed, snort coke or shoot heroin but I believe if that's what people want, then let them. And I've got more shocking news for you, people are getting those things ANYWAY! This in spite of the "war on drugs".
Stop the retarded, violent, money sucking "war on drugs". It's not working anyway. Maybe we should, instead, have a war on stupidity.
Legalization would increase the number of consumers, insanely there are those wouldn't use drugs only because it is illegal even if it was easy to get the increase in number of consumers would mean increase in money spent on their recovering and suffering from drug abuse, sometimes it is on medical insurance paid by those who didn't make the stupid decision to destroy their lives by using drugs so why would you think legalizing drugs would be better? i think even if it became legal, those drug kings would find more illegal things to make because that way they will make more money.
"It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!"
What is organized crime but a method of distribution that circumvents what SJW lawmakers have decided is not good for you? If there were no demand for illegal goods and services, there would be no "organized" crime. Hence, legalization puts an end to the murder and violence.
Who is the best arbiter of what is harmful for you, if not you? If all drugs were suddenly legal and you were not a user, would you immediately run out for a drug buffet and have at it?
Neither would 98.6% of the rest of the population.
Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken
The film does in fact glamorize the whole "by any means necessary" attitude to solving a problem we Americans love so much. That's undeniable. Because of this fact, it can't really be called an anti-drug war film. It does have more in common with pro-drug war views than anti-drug war ones, unfortunately.
Seeing as you're cleary an imbecile who isn't familar with the popular internet slang "lolwut" and stoop to needlessly insulting me when I have done no such thing, I'm going to have to conclude you're in the mildly dysfunctional autistic with an inferiority complex category?
See, I can make ridiculously defensive and insulting responses too.
Nope. Just pointing out how pathetic it is to respond to a one worded post with a meaningless insult. Is that how you usually conduct online conversations or do you just have an elderly-esque mental spasm in the face of online slang?
Just pointing out how pathetic it is to respond to a one worded post
I'm going to stop you right there and remind you that you got the response you deserved when you responded to me with a meaningless one-"word" post that offered absolutely nothing to the discussion. So, if you're not up to the task intellectually, stay out of adult conversations, sweety, and don't waste our time with childishness in the guise of "internet slang." Now piss off, kiddo.
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In takes a special kind of emotional ineptness to tell someone to "piss off" on a public message board.
My response was one of geniune confusion and curiosity. The film is clearly more nuanced than your post makes it out to be. Is there no room for subversive, morally ambiguous and shades of grey cinema in todays political climate? The last shot clearly implies, to me, that the cycle of violence goes on despite their efforts.
I'm not going to share my thoughts until I understand the person with whom I am responding to thoughts better.
The last shot clearly implies, to me, that the cycle of violence goes on despite their efforts.
Then the filmmakers did their job of manipulating the less informed viewers like yourself. The whole "cycle of violence" continuing theme doesn't make it any less pro-drug war propaganda. They spent the entire film glorifying the illegal actions of a CIA spook and a super-assassin that would be more fitting in the Marvel universe than in a serious and realistic film about the drug war, only to end it with a manipulative "the violence continues" scene so they can pretend like it's an anti-drug war film. If you bought that bullsh!t, well, I don't know what to tell ya...
I'm not going to share my thoughts until I understand the person with whom I am responding to thoughts better.
So your way of "understanding" people on this board is by engaging them with childish internet slang in hopes that your apparent ignorance will inspire an intelligent discussion? Yeah, you're going about it the wrong way, kiddo. Nobody's going to take you seriously.
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SICARIO was a serious and realistic film about the drug war---whatever made you think it wasn't. It's not a superhero film by any stretch of the imagination. Why you think it is, is completely beyond me. If it were your usual Hollywood macho man action flick, that would have been the case, but it isn't. It's more complicated and nuanced than that. That's my opinion, and yours really makes no sense if one has seen the film.
SICARIO was a serious and realistic film about the drug war---whatever made you think it wasn't.
I have immersed myself in the subject of the war on drugs daily for over 5 years now. Sicario is most certainly not realistic. Whatever made you think it was? Have you studied the war on drugs?
The only thing slightly realistic about it is the premise that the US likes for one dominate cartel to control the drug trade. In the film, it was the long-extinct Medellin cartel. In real life, it's the Sinaloa cartel.
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