MovieChat Forums > Sicario (2015) Discussion > If a movie pisses off the Feminists, it ...

If a movie pisses off the Feminists, it did something right

Anytime something is deemed worthy of condemnation by those shills, it's a sign you're doing the right thing. Just about everything they complain about is a non issue, and any time they open their mouths, it's almost guaranteed to be a lie. Plus they're a bunch of sexist bigots. So yeah, make them mad. Their reactions to imagined offenses will only continue waking people up to their pettiness. Feminism is digging it's own grave at this point.

Progressive "logic": Quran-inspired attacks have nothing to do with Islam


They always were like that - mostly due to personal issues which they "dignify" through their spiteful "politics."

Over time, their true ugly selves have become more apparent.

They proved to be as predjudiced, bigoted and sexist as those "awful men".


What the hell are you talking about? I'm a feminist, and SICARIO is one of the better films I've seen this past year---dark,harsh and brutal, with no lame-a** Hollywood ending. I always liked the fact that there was a woman as the main character, which made it even more interesting to watch for me. You can't shove all feminists or anyone who dosen't agree with you into some stupid stereotypical box and says that they're this and they're that.

Also, feminism is just the belief that women should have equal rights as men---ain't a damn thing wrong with that. How the hell is it "digging its own grave"? That makes no damn sense, but then neither did your ridiculous post.


#notallfeminists right?


what makes you think you're a feminist? women DO have equal rights as men.


That's not what feminism is. It's advocating for female rights. It was relevant in the West when women didn't have the same rights as men. Now that they do in practically every case, feminists are now fighting for female privilege over men.

They will bend the knee or I will destroy them.


You do understand that with equal rights come equal responsibilities right? How about you go work in the mines and oil wells, steel factories, you know the kind of hard work that only men can do...


Made me waste a click.
Let me return that favor.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


did something in this movie pissed them? can anyone point me in right direction?

also is somewhere list of movies hated by feminists? I guess Fight Club would earn a spot there.


What are these feminists saying exactly?

Your OP is more a rant about them darned dirty feminists than an argument about a specific issue that they have with the movie with witch you disagree.

Give me some concrete content man.

Happy birthday to the ground!


As usual, people like OP live in a fantasy world where they fight strawmen not actual argument or points.

Soyuz nerushimy, respublik svobodnykh
