I'm not convinced it was inconsistent with her character: she was divorced, back to greedily smoking cigarettes, her partner half-jokingly insulting her appearance and personal hygiene--is it really that far-fetched that she might, under this sort of stress, want to blow off some steam, drink a few beers, and get laid? She's basically just a soldier, not a moral paragon or sexless human lie-detector.
I actually thought that bar scene was pretty interesting for its depiction of the female gaze, her eyes lingering on the guy's ass as he sauntered back for drinks. This character could have easily been the Strong Female Character that some people are so infatuated with. Alas, she's just a human being, ravaged with human flaws and basic human desires. I was glad the filmmakers weren't interested in sterilising her of these human characteristics to bolster her tough-girl, bad-ass creds.
In terms of comparing it to Traffic, this just feels reductive. They're different movies completely. Sicario is much more primordial, Traffic more intellectual.