I would have still probably whacked his family in front of him just like Benicio, but I would have been laughing as I sent the missus y sus hijos to El Diablo con mucho gusto. Because that was pretty funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUXb7do9C-w
"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli
Hmm.. I thought when he said "we learned it from watching you" that he meant the Colombian cartels. And I think that in that moment that is what the directors/writers wanted us to think. But then later I thought maybe he was indeed CIA because when he went to get the signature, why would a free-lance care about paperwork? But why would deep cover CIA care about paperwork either? But we are also told he was a Mexican government prosecutor and he has that interaction with another Mexican prosecutor from Monterey, so if he was CIA he was recruited or signed up much later - and we're not entirely sure which route he took either from CIA to Cartagena or the other way around - if at all. I take it the line delivered earlier in the movie was largely self-reflexive "you will doubt everything you see but in the end you will understand". Not sure that I did understand in the end, but that's OK, I do love me some ambiguity.
I think what the drug lord really meant was that the U.S. trained some of their military who eventually turned bad (Zetas) and used that training to kill other drug gangs & citizens more efficiently. The CIA also probably taught their police and soldiers (who now work for the cartels) how to torture (interrogate) their rivals. Although i'm sure the U.S. never wanted these techniques to be used by the bad guys.
There's nothing funny about that scene at all. Anyone who thinks that killing a woman and kids is "funny" is a sociopath in my book. It's not their fault that their dad was an A-hole. Benicio's character had a right to want revenge but he crossed the line by killing innocents.
Maybe I am a sociopath. Maybe then you should believe me when I tell you that the possibility of seeing your family murdered in front of you is the only thing that might possibly dissuade a sociopath. These gangsters don't fear the law; they only fear other more vicious gangsters.
"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli
One of the reasons Benicio ' s character was sent was because he had a vendetta and the CIA knew he would carry it out. By killing him and his family, he sends the message and warning to the cartels that anybody can be gotten to, and cuts the head off the snake and brings the feds closer their plan of "managing" the cartels.
No...no,even if you think it´s funny,you are Incorrect. Fausto says-You think the people who sent you are any different? Who do you think we learned it from?Meaning...A COLOMBIAN CARTEL...Which would be a pretty accurate assessment. Al was a mexican working for Cartagena.