English Guys

I really, really wish everything with the English guys wasn't in the film, it's so polarising, it just doesn't seem to fit at all. I would've left those parts in the trash bin during editing, it's just a waste of time and doesn't push the plot forward at all.

Anyway, other than that strange hiccup the film was really good. Nice to see a slightly new take on the "boy meets girl/girl meets boy" story.


I was just thinking that. They weren't even terrible scenes but they added nothing and would have made the movie a little quicker and easier to get through.

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Ah, but the point of the especially annoying english pair (who'd of course belong better by the drunken side of a football pitch) was to set up a dramatic contrast against the tender love scenes to follow. They were so excrutiatingly idiotic that her ('pls get me away from those two!') arrival at the bar was presented as such a welcome release for our protagonist. So in a sense, the pair of fools were necessary as a sort of plot device. Besides their being in the film for all of ten-ish minutes wasn't as insufferable for we viewers to watch as it *could* have been - especially if he had really been in their company, for so many days, in real life.


NOTE To non-English folk - pls don't take that pair as anything but a pair of uncommonly yobbish stereotypes. Modern England is, in reality, very much an exceptionally cosmopolitan nation of many different personalities.

Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox


I basically saw them as a plot device to get Evan to the coast. They were over the top, sure, but i thought maybe this was a cheeky wink to say "Look! It's not only Americans that are loud and brash and dickish on holiday."

Well, that was until that one American saw a lady in the street then 10 seconds later tried to stick his dick inside her against her will. So i guess it evened itself out in the end.



I liked their scenes, just 3 tourists speaking a common language finding themselves in a foreign country, and spending a bit of time together. And as suddenly as they appeared, they left.

The scene with the 3 of them walking, when he first sees her, was also nice. Wish I could find the song that was playing in that scene, it's also right after the ending.




I thought they were great, perfectly judged and a nice palate cleanser.

There were three of us in this marriage


they took him on an adventure; that ended with a mythical beast.
