Would give episodes 2-8 a B minus
I wanted it to be more about making films, but too often devolves into family squabbles or personal life matters that are just not interesting enough. I do like what bits of making movies that they gave us.
I didn't care too much for the twist [spoiler]that Kathleen has a double identity because then the show became about when and how he would find out,[/spoiler] but at least they wrapped it up within two episodes.
The seamy side of Hollywood storyline with Tom and photography and cover-ups is okay I guess, but not that interesting. Hope this isn't overdone.
I'm still not quite sure why Max and siblings are even in the show. Some goes for the cello player. The show is called The Last Tycoon, but seems more like it should be called Hollywood in the 1930s. Wasn't there a program called Marco Polo that turned out to be really the life of Kublai Khan? Watch out. Do too many things like that and you end up cancelled.
Celia's story could have been better, fuller. More Celia and less Pat Brady I would say. Don't get why she is messing around with Max. Give us one reason to see what they have in common. She would more logically be with one of the producers.
Am starting to warm to the character of Rose. Characters who have similar aspirational storylines should get more airtime.
1936 seems too early for the Nazis to be sending Jews to Dachau, even if it was open already.
Am liking that we now see more of the coastline and such.
Above all would love to see more about how this pseudo-Thalberg thinks and does things decisively in terms of making movies good because that's what his genius was supposed to be. Just not seeing it much here.