MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Discussion > QUESTION - How do fundamentaslist christ...

QUESTION - How do fundamentaslist christians feel about these films?

Surely a film or comic novel series which has a core theme of genetic mutations. Can not be terribly popular with the people who care enough about this to get up on their soapboxes? I wonder if people really care enough about the issue to state an opinion about it? I personally don't care one way or the other. But I am curious to learn if this type of film, would be the sort, that causes people to complain about on religious grounds and would have a polarising effect? Not just this film, but the x-men series, and also now that I think about it... In this milieu Thor is real. Doesn't that count as worshiping false idols? I guesss I have to a certain extent answered my own question. For the really extreme christians, just watching the television is worshiping a false idol. However, Like I said before, I dont care enough to do anything about it, other than ask the question.


BS. I am an aspiring Orthodox priest and I love all the X-Men films.


I have never once met a Christian who opposed X-Men films, let alone Comic Book films, on religious grounds -whether they were fundamentalist or not.


I think God is a mutant too.


The X-Men timeline was altered 2 times, not just one (DOFP).
FIRST CLASS was already a "divergence".
Everything is explained here:



The Buddhists had problems with the trailers if I remember as far back as 2015. however that is what x-men is about, tackling real social issues however offensive they may be, it is not about explosions and vfx.

I wonder what would have happened if singer adapted one of chuck austen's uncanny x-men run.


Why were they upset?


They already love fairy tales, why wouldn't they like this?


Your liberalism is a fairy tale you fedora cuck.


As a Christian, I can say with all confidence that I am not opposed to these films, nor have I ever met any fellow believers who are. I just didn't like the film because I thought it was a poorly written mess.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


Nope not really an issue. You mention Thor, but Steve Rodgers still remains a christian, despite having met a Norse god. Probably because Thor does not remotely compare to the god he believes in. Nor does Thor really consider himself devine or require his human allies to worship him. as for Apocalypse. He doesn't resemble any Biblical figure I can think of (and looked pretty ridiculous) and is so obviously evil that I don't really see much of conflict of faith here.


^ This, too.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


What about the Antichrist? The beast of revelations
