This movie was good
I give it a 8 out of 10 people hate on it to much.
Yeah, it is!
Pay no attention to sushiK999 here, he's been upset ever since he found out his uncle was Santa Claus, and Santa's lap wasn't an escalator to heaven.
Yes it is good. Some people are just *beep*
shareI liked it too.
Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, and Pete Townshend watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Fox's lineup ideas are now starting to make sense. They are learning.
"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."
I'd say that 20th Century Fox has been learning and evolving the X-Men series since it broke the mould and started the modern day superhero genre. They've always been the ones to grow and adapt well and raise the bar higher (with all due respect to Sam Raimi and Christopher Nolan, who did excellent work masterfully expanding the genre, including a few others like Edgar Wright and Zack Snyder) and continue to lead the pack in all around quality.
Except for the misstep of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. That was mainly due to the writer's strike though and I think considering that they made a pretty fun movie, although it is easily the weakest of the entire series. On the bright side that writer's strike brought us Breaking Bad, which is a fair trade off for one mediocre Wolverine film.
The upcoming line-up is rich in it's narrative diversity starting with Logan a little over a month from now. Gambit is a Frank Darabont film which is sure to be richly dramatic (all his movies are), The New Mutants is venturing into the teen horror subgenre, Deadpool 2 is of course farcical and comedy oriented while being high action and Logan appears to be an action-heavy character study done in the style of a western. Not much is known about X-Men Supernova other than it's going into production this very year (I would guess it'll start shooting as soon as The New Mutants wraps up). Great directors for all of them too, top notch artists that will no doubt make these upcoming X-Men movies something worthy of the name and a treat to behold!
Most people have seen the movie online and now will think twice about listening to critics and trolls about X-Men movies.
Paid trolls have convinced many people. So sad, they missed out Quicksilver and Phoenix destroying apocalypse scenes on theater. Best visual effects imo.
It has its genuinely good moments (Quicksilver shines again) and is entertaining for the most part. Yes, there's so much that could have been improved, but it's a worthwhile movie nonetheless.