MovieChat Forums > Grimsby (2016) Discussion > Nobody else feels its trying2b a mash of...

Nobody else feels its trying2b a mash of Ace Ventura and Adam Sandler mo

Its very clear the The Elephant scene was trying to copy the rhino birth scene.

But this is just over the top. While the rhino was fake the elephants were real.
So that is where adam sandler comes in, rather his style of movie making.

Its just ridiculous but for some reason I was not annoyed or *beep* angry. I guess because its SASHA BAREN COHEN LOL

From Ali G to Borat to the Dictator I guess we can cut him a little slack.

Some scenes were genuinely funny in the movie

But just to much of Ace Ventura and Adam Sandler mish mash going on.


No, I thought it was too much like a Mellissa Mcarthy film, giant vaginas and all.

Obama got 43% of the white vote, McCain got 5% of the black vote. Who's the racist again?


Pretty much everything Sasha Baron Cohen does is one long dick joke. His entire career is a dick joke.


"Its very clear the elephant scene was trying to copy the rhino birth scene"

I don't think they were trying to copy that scene at all.


Hmmm, that scene in AV2 was the first thing I thought of when we saw the elephants and heard Nobby having a plan though.


Adam Sandler is never this funny.

But that elephant scene is really the rhino scene. Which, by the way, is my favorite comedy scene of all time. It's hard to describe it to someone and make them think it is funny. But it makes me cry tears of laughter every time. Brilliant!
