I think autobots are the real terrorists...
Betray their home world, kill anyone that doesn't fight for them or threaten them if they try to leave, and kill/threaten anyone that wants to harm puny humans. That's the jist I got form watch all 4 transformer movies back to back as well as seeing the 5th one in theaters. There must've been a shit ton of innocents dead (not really shown) from all that constant fighting with autobots vs insert enemies yet humans seem to just want them around still.
I also seen that transformer weapons no matter the size seem to do considerable damage to their own kind. That along with puny humans and small arms fire which can do considerable damage to them. So they're pretty much just hulking walking organic metal with nothing else really going for them. I'm surprised the humans didn't steal the space faring tech and only focused on making more 'men' transforming into vehicles of sort.