First look at Megatron

I have mixed feelings on that look.

The AOE designs sought to make the robots look more human-like, with accouterments and features (Crosshairs' duster and stubble, bulky Hound's army gear, Drift's samurai armor), but this IMO took away their alien robot look and their capability of transforming (which we never really saw work out in AOE, eg Lockdown).

This Megatron design suffers the same issue: he looks more human than he should be and appears to be wearing just armor.

I thought the past three films made Megatron look seriously badass; my favourite film design is his tank mode from ROTF. Trying to smooth out the designs and give them human looks does not really work out well in my opinion. The film Transformers are made of metal parts that can twist and move around to become vehicles/crafts/etc, and their designs should represent that.

And the designs homage Ultron and TFP Megatron too similarly for comfort.

(And on a personal note, I miss Megatron's jagged crown, it made him look like a real leader in my opinion)

On the plus side, Megatron's return to Decepticon leadership is long overdue. I wonder what his alternate mode will be, I hope it's really badass.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


The new Megaton looks like Ultron (from Avengers: Age of Ultron )

What were they thinking?


I kinda like it, even though it doesn't really look like he transforms into anything and yeah, he does look like Ultron. I like it better without the mask on so he appears to have horns and his head isn't so bald-looking.

The ROTF look was pretty cool. I liked the big tank treads on his legs and it was a better design than the first movie. The only thing that I didn't so much like was that one of his arms was big and the other was kinda skinny.


Since the first live action movie I've never really been a fan of the looks for the TF's. They some how managed to get worse as the live action series continued. Mostly theirs just way to much going on. They need to have a little less detail, smooth them out a bit.

The Dreads from Dark of the moon transformed into their robot modes. When they did, they didn't retain a damn detail from their vehicle modes. Not a tailgate, hood, fender, they couldn't even be bothered to add in a door handle. Just one of the things that "P's" me off about Bays TF movies.

The TF's were suppose to be about alien robots that disguised themselves with everyday Earth machines. With the G1 series a lot of the characters retained either wings, doors, windshields... for a lot of them you'd be able to tell what they turned into. The Dreads and a lot of the others resembled monsters more then TF's. I see Meg's is continuing with that tradition.

Who's The More Foolish
The Fool, Or The Fool Who Follows Him?


yeah he does look abit untrony, but hes a robot that is ever evolving, he should look different. He looks scarier, and a lot more dark and dominant in this form, megatron is meant to be the scariest darkest transformers of them all, aesthetically he may not look 'original' and have parts of a vehical showing, but whose to say in this one he turns into a vehical, it could be a dinosaur or alien ship, in which case he wouldn't show any of these characteristics


He looks now more similar to the G1 Megatron than before.



Wonder how much Marvel asked for their Ultron model..


Kinda looks like a "PREDATOR" to me.

Guns don't kill people, APES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE!


Looks like he's in some lame metal band.


OK but he already made his change into Galvatron. So he's becoming Megatron again?

Perhaps regaining his spark?
