I can appreciate these movies.

There's no doubt that there isn't much brain in any of the TF films. And though the fourth one was really weak, the first three I can really appreciate for meeting some kind of primitive entertainment value. Michael Bay definitely has flaws, no doubt, but he knows his action spectacle. And what I argue is his biggest success as a director is the fact that he is honest about his films, he isn't trying to go for something else than what his final product gives us. That is why his films work, they are brainless actionpacked fun and honest about it.


First of all, you think being "honest" justifies being vulgar, perverted, heterosexist/homophobic, misogynistic, lecherous, racially insensitive, and downright obnoxious? Because all of those things are exactly the kind of person Michael Doofus Bay is.

Second of all, since you fail to recognize it yourself, Bay haters (I.E. any intelligent person who has seen a Bay movie) don't hate him just because he has "flaws" or because "there isn't much brain in any of the TF films".

Newsflash, Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim was critically acclaimed, achieving a Certified Fresh percentage on RottenTomatoes, because it was a fantastic movie that followed the rules of proper storytelling.

But guess what: Pacific Rim didn't have much "brain" to it either, because it didn't need much "brain" in order to tell a coherent story with characters we can actually care about, which you can never say about a movie made by Michael Doofus Bay without being viewed as an idiot.

Bayformers 4 had a horribly incoherent mess of a plot, with despicable characters, and that's why it was panned by critics and grossed LESS than the 3rd movie, both domestically and worldwide.

The only reason the 4th one was able to reach $1-billion was because it was released in twice the number of Chinese cinemas than the 3rd, making the 4th movie accessible to millions of Chinese audiences who've never even heard of Bay and how horrible the last three movies were.

Third of all, Bayformers movies are hated because they cause harm to culture. And I'm not even talking about the "If something this stupid makes a billion dollars, studios won't bother making art" argument.

There are some truly evil messages and undertones that run throughout these movies. The accepted racism, objectification, and outright misogyny perpetrated by the so-called "heroes" of these movies, does indeed cause harm.

There isn't this kind of backlash against similarly stupid-yet-respectable Roland Emerich movies. 2012 gets called out for being dumb, but doesn't see this kind of hate all the time, and for good reason. Like I said, Pacific Rim was dumb as dumb can be, but Del Toro knew it didn't need to be smart in order to be engaging, which Bay has failed to accomplish time and time again.

Just being stupid is not the problem here.

Blowing up a female genetalia mimic because it is "too disgusting to live" is the problem here.

Clumsy unnecessary jokes about statutory rape is the problem here.

Blatant jokes about 'The illiterate black' is the problem here.

These turds passed off as "movies" absolutely do harm to society.



Wow!!!! This is a pretty retarded bipolar post if ever I saw one, Michael Bay isn't perfect but you're as nutty as fück. What a nutter.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


Michael Bay told me to tell you to get back in the kitchen, and make him a sandwich.
