Who else likes this series?

I mean it. This isn't sarcastic like all the other threads that ask this.

I was 4 years old when the original cartoon came out. It blew my mind. I used to look at real trucks as we passed them on the highway and try to imagine how such a thing could possibly transform.

Now I have a degree in 3D Modeling because of it.

I remember an episode where Spike's dad was being mind controlled and pointed a gun at his son. I was 4. That scared the *beep* out of me, and I loved it. Thinking about it three decades later and it still gives me chills.

Yeah, this series is crass and crude and racist and sexist and homophobic and all the rest. I don't understand why it has to be. But I don't care. Call me cold if you want, but the awful humor that feels like Bay is *beep* with the audience is fine in my book.

Two things in this series pissed me off on a genuine level. 1. Revenge of the Fallen. 'Nuff said. 2. A part in Dark of the Moon where Laserbeak murders a woman in front of her little girl. Not six months earlier, my mother died. I was there. I want to slap Bay for that moment. It's the only one and I can see where other people can find fault through so much more of this series.

I have a love/hate relationship with Dark of the Moon. But Age of Extinction is my favorite. I've always liked Mark Walburg. Three Kings is my favorite movie of his. It's one of my favorite war movies. I loved Tessa and Shane. I loved the Romeo and Juliet Law scene. I loved Lockdown. That movie was really cool and I will always love it.

At the end of the day, I like this series more than hate it. I like the effects. I like most of the action. I like a good portion of the humor, but not all (the racist bits make me embarrassed to show them to friends.) I love the characters, human and robot. And love the endless parade of adorably cute girls (yes, I like Megan Fox.)

Shia LaBoef got old. The racism got old. The slo-mo spinning fights got old. The villians were always top notch, and the devastation was always top notch.

Who's with me? :)


Im with you. This new movie seems to be going back to the original roots (transformers 2007)


I don't think they'll ever top the 1986 animated movie, but I've always enjoyed these films to some degree. I do think they could've been better, but here we are less than ten years later and I already have fond nostalgia for these live-action movies. I don't think I'd want Megan Fox or Shia LaBeouf to return, though.



Nothing can top the 1986 movie ;)


I agree with most of what you have to say. A good 98% of it.

*Shia never got old to me and in fact I would love to see an older Sam with son Daniel in tow later on down the road. Maybe in part 6 or 7.

*I liked all the movies, with part 2 being MY love/hate relationship like Dark of the Moon is yours. I felt the movie had a LOT going for it and was very ambitious, and I'm glad they got the inevitable death and return of Optimus out of the way (you knew it was coming in one of the sequels, might as well be the first). Its just the twins, the humor, and Devastator's balls almost ruin. Almost, cause it still succeeded (to me) in spite of those things.

*I think Dark of the Moon is my favorite cause, well, I'm a sucker for the knight templar sort of villains. Ironically, it also features my least favorite Megatron design.

*Age of Extinction is my least favorite but that's not the say its bad. Not at all. Its just...it felt like it was trying to top Dark of the Moon with its bleakness. Plus very few Decepticons, and something about Lockdown annoyed me. Maybe it was his Clarence Boddicker haircut, I don't know.


I love them all especially part 2. Bay can do no wrong in my eyes. Everything he does is epic and gorgeous to behold visually! I'm not even kidding either. :)


I would be more interested in seeing the Beast Warriors battling The Vok at this point... I am just so bored with the G1 and original characters


Return to Raccoon - January 27th, 2017


I love the movies I think there grate




Could anyone point me out where's all the racism and homophobia in these movies? I honestly don't see it (then again, I don't have much sensibility for most things people chose to get offended by these days).


Skids and Mudflap. Classic black stereotypes of stupid idiots that can't read and have big gold teef. They're ugly and annoying.

Every black human is loud and obnoxious. It makes me cringe. I'm white. Maybe I'm being too PC, I dunno.

Homophobic, I can't remember if I said that. DotM, that Asian guy in the office corners Sam in the bathroom, even though it's not about that it's played for cheap laughs. Also, that character is a stereotype and is killed in a way that makes us laugh at his death.

Like I said, I love these movies anyway. My sense of humor is very cynical. You asked so I answered. :)

Homophobic, I can


Skids and Mudflap. Classic black stereotypes of stupid idiots that can't read and have big gold teef. They're ugly and annoying.

Okay, I'll give you that one (even though we have no proof those robots were there to represent black culture or the black comunity in any way, but I see where you're coming with this and it's indeed a fair point).

Every black human is loud and obnoxious. It makes me cringe. I'm white. Maybe I'm being too PC, I dunno.

That's not true. I don't remember in the first two movies, but I saw Dark of the Moon last week and Tyrese, for example, wasn't loud and obnoxious at all... in fact, he was one of the most sensible characters in the movie, and he seemed truly upset and sad when he thought the Autobots had been killed when their spaceship exploded. But then again, there was also this fat black special forces guy who really fitted that description you gave, so maybe its 50/50 I guess?

But its not like there weren't loud and/or obnoxious white characters in these movies either (like that sector 7 guy, or Sam's parents), so maybe this is just a Michael Bay thing?

Homophobic, I can't remember if I said that. DotM, that Asian guy in the office corners Sam in the bathroom, even though it's not about that it's played for cheap laughs. Also, that character is a stereotype and is killed in a way that makes us laugh at his death.

So, it's homophobic now to make comedy out of a situation in which a straight guy may be feeling uncomfortable about another guy getting too close to him, and how outsiders may perceive that situation? I think you're being a bit too PC on this one.

Let's face it, a lot of straight guys would hate the idea of being perceived as homosexuals by other people, and while that may be an indication of homophobia on their part, it really doesn't have to be the case. Like it or not, this world is driven by appearances, and to a lot of straight males it would be quite inconvenient if the world would perceive them as being gay or not totally straight.

And yes, you did bring up the homophobia issue in your OP.

Oh, and I didn't think the asian character's death was portrayed as a moment of comedy, it was revealed in the last moment that he was killed because he tried saving Sam Witwiki's life... he was actually given one of the most heroic human deaths in all transformers movies.


Your point is taken about straight guys. It makes sense.

As for Tyrese, I forgot all about that character. He's a nobody. He's just there to be played by Tyrese because they wanted the draw of Tyrese. They need to flesh out that character.


Totally agree. I don't see it either.
