I dunno... seeing the trailer... we're seeing even MORE tributes to the older source material. And seeing this, I don't see why more people aren't excited. "A Decepticon in King Arthur's Court" possible reference.
Prime floating in space like Megatron in 1986... possibly turned in Nemesis Prime or Black Convoy or Scourge (take your pick) from Car Robots aka R.I.D. (1999-2000). And then seeing the baseball field all torn up reminds me of the court hearing they had in G1 for some reason at a football field when they sent the Autobots into space (also done in D.o.t.M.). And seeing the huge horn poking up out of the desert... could Unicron BE earth like in TF Prime!? Is that what they are trying to explain in the narration the main reason why they 'just keep coming back'? Explaining why the All Spark came to Earth when the Autobots jettisoned it into space and found its way here? And then seeing Cybertron moving to Earth (what's left of it anyway.... thanks, Rattrap) and its part MOVING like it could transform.... Primus? Earth being Unicron makes a little more sense, the Quints (shown in A.o.E) could have been not terraforming the planet but trying to WAKE Unicron, but then Autobots form based on the dinosaurs and force them out? From all these movies they've made, each one has its good points and are all easily rewatchable (though you may need to set aside a LOT of time just to watch 1 or 2 of them) this looks like they could be really making this movie more 'epic' than the ones prior. Now if they could just tone down the language a bit I'd be a little happier and focus on story and action. Seeing Lennox and Cade side by side was a nice touch too...
3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!