MovieChat Forums > Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Discussion > omg there are literally three upcoming T...

omg there are literally three upcoming TF films after this one... wtf

This is what happens when people decide to spend money on explosions so studio brings MORE EXPLOSIONS!


You need to learn how to be an intelligent Bay hater, sens. You seem to only know how to use "explosions" as a reason to explain what makes Michael Doofus Bay the horrible filmmaker that he is.

Intelligent people hate Bay because of his objectively bad qualities; Bay's "style", and what he THINKS is "entertaining", is actually disgusting and offensive, and not entertaining at all.

Bay's movies are garbage because he fills them with:

1)- callous objectification of females
2)- racially-insensitive stereotypes
3)- homophobic jokes (thereby promoting homophobia as "ideal", which is morally wrong to promote)
4)- perverted/lecherous camera-leering at young women, FORCING the audience to look at girls in a sexual way, when nobody likes to feel forced to look at something
5)- obnoxious character-interaction for the sake of "comedy" (even though there's nothing funny about obnoxiousness)
6)- repulsively crude humor, when there's nothing respectable about crudeness
7)- transparent/cliche characterizations as the primary form of "drama"
8)- and he portrays the "heroes" of his action/war movies as murderers who speak sadistic lines while killing their enemies (Optimus saying disgustingly out-of-character things like "Give me your face!", "You die!", same for the other Autobots in those repulsive Bayformers sequels).

Did you see the word "explosions" anywhere on that list? No you didn't, so you should memorize the list so you can be an intelligent Bay hater---since we have the right to hate him, because people who promote bad morals deserve to be hated---Keep doing your research on WHY we intelligent people hate him. We don't hate explosions in action/adventure movies. They just talk about the explosions while trashing Bay's movies, because the explosions in his movies FAIL to distract anyone with half a brain from the fact that his movies are disgustingly offensive garbage. Bay is so deluded that he thinks explosions are so "awesome" (as he once said in an arrogant Verizon commercial where he portrays himself as "cool" and making anyone around him unable to call him out on his faults) that these "explosions" make up for any stupidity and disgustingness in a movie. We intelligent Bay haters just explain the fact that he's wrong.

Of course, the pathetic Bay fanbrats don't bother doing their research, so they assume that the intelligent haters THINK a movie needs "deep philosophical issues" in order to be a good movie, but anyone with half a brain understands that this couldn't be further from the truth. All we need in a good movie is good storytelling, and Michael Doofus Bay couldn't tell a DGS (dang good story) if his soul depended on it.


What drugs are you on? I am not going to write a wall of text of why this man is a poor filmmaker.


Homophobic? How?
Racist? How?


If Bay is homophobic does his opinion not count?


Why dont you guys hate Steven Spielberg for always using aliens or Marvel for always using superheroes? Michael Bay has always been an amazing director. Yes he likes explosions! Yes he does it too much. But at the end of the day you little b!tches will still go and see the movie


Why dont you guys hate Steven Spielberg for always using aliens

Spielberg lost his touch, but almost all the alien movies he made had redeeming qualities. He's fantastic director, a competent story-teller, and doesn't need many explosions or lousy stereotypes to keep your attention.

Why dont you guys hate Marvel for always using superheroes?

Why do you assume I don't? I actually liked some MCU movies, just as I liked first Transformers movie, but just like with Transformers, I got sick of MCU as well lately, and my worst MCU movie is Guardians of the Galaxy which to many is a cinematic masterpiece. I hated overused, forced jokes and the fact that it doesn't want to takes itself even slightly seriously. I am all for charming humor in these kind of movies but GotG used it excessively and if I am going to pretend I liked the humor, which I most certainly did NOT.. only redeeming qualities movie has is humor and visual effects. Other than that, movie felt flat in the actual story-telling, characters were not anyhow engaging, and the movie has one of the most forgettable villain ever, and I am clearly not talking about Thanos who had some $hitty cameo.


Michael Bay has always been an amazing director.

But at the end of the day you little b!tches will still go and see the movie

I go to the theater 1-2 times in a year. Trust me, Michael Bay's movie won't be one of those times.

This one I'll be too lazy to torrent.


Ilike how you rewrote everything lol
