DarkPouncer AGAIN displays stupidity...
You need to rewrite your post to establish that there's a difference between Bayformers and the DCEU (E.G. Bayformers is disgusting garbage, and the DCEU is a respectable and pleasantly complex franchise)....Otherwise, people on these boards who have never seen the DCEU won't understand your problem.
Bro, seriously?
The DCEU is anything but a "respectable" and "pleasantly complex franchise", all of the three entries to date have been met with mixed to outright negative reviews from professional film critics( Not at all dissimilar from what Bay's Transformers movies get) and they've not even produced a crowd pleasing film even close to the level of even the first Bay directed TF installment. As of this writing quite a large sum is nervous about Wonder Woman and Justice League, Justice League isn't being as hyped as say the first Avengers was back in 2011 and a lot are hoping Zack Snyder, the former DCEU shepherd, gets the boot and soon.
Barely close to what I'd call a "respectable and pleasantly complex franchise", buddy.