Alternate Trailer Reaction


I saw the Transformers: The Last Knight trailer today.

I liked Transformers, hated 2, okay with 3, fell asleep multiple times trying to finish Extinction.

One thing a Transformers trailer does, is get you excited. I do.

I probably have been least excited about this trailer.

I felt TLK trailer was a bunch of incoherent images with a narrative by Anthony Hopkins that seemed to be missing gravitas for me. No goosebumps - just kind of bland.
I didn't even know what I was looking at half the time.

My question is - did anyone else feel completely disconnected to this trailer? What about some of the images you've saw and how they made you feel?

I did like the famous Bumble Bee spin, Optimus Prime catches him mid spin and slams him. That looked great.


They messed up 2, but even if t2 was perfect, they shouldve stopped and only made another sequel if the entire film took place on cybertron (with or without humans, but more interesting without). Michael bay enmven slipped in a joke in extinction how bad sequels are. Honestly the only reason they are making another one is because countries like china and japan have just caught on with the transformers craze so the movie makes a lot of money globally. So i feel this way since the second. Also steven spielberg helped produce the first one using scenes that had actual animatronics. Its all cgi and nonsense now with unexplained explosions


Actually what I remembered in AoE was joke making fun of people who complains about sequels and remakes. An old guy was complaining about them and then say that Howard Hawks' El Dorado is a good movie. El Dorado is a remake of Hawks' own movie Rio Bravo. Hawks also directed Scarface and produced The Thing From Another World, both movies that have been overshadowed by their remakes.


I agree

Micheal Bay gets a lot of criticism on the non big budget action flicks. So he suffers from his own Bay effect in that regard. His fault for making crappy, big budget films - which he, himself admitted to on 'Revenge of the Fallen.' Writers strike yes and was rushed - but still his product. Still Bayicsim at its best.

You know what's funny? We look at a movie - based on a toy, and criticize the movie....How insane is that?! Right or wrong, like it or not - we get mad when our childhood toy isn't adapted into a good movie in Transformers.

Yes they are mostly not great movies, however, I did enjoy the 1st movie and people keep coming back for more. Charlie Brown keeps trying to kick the football. The international markets keep this alive and in his hands.

It's funny I get irritated when the screenplay sucks. Based off my favorite childhood toy.

This trailer is bad. Just looking and basing what we know on the trailer - it stirs no excitement in me.

By the way - didn't Bay say he was done after the 3rd? Retiring to put into another directors hands? Which is why they more or less rebooted the cast and some story elements?

What happened there? Anyone know?


Bay said “I was going to stop doing ‘Transformers’ after doing three—because it’s hard to make a fourth movie with the same characters.”

Shia also didn't want to be in the fourth one because at the time he wanted to be a big oscar winner and not get stuck doing big budget films and end up like elijah wood from LOTR, but this was also around the time Shia went crazy. Also Megan fox was cut out since the third ever since the sexual harassment bit that occurred between her and Bay. He also wanted to make the fourth one about cybertron but said it was going to be way too expensive. He cast mark wahlberg so people wouldnt compare him to shia and be disappointed. So if Bay makes any more, there will probably be at least one more wahlberg film. Then 20 years from now an all-cybertron remake of transformers will probably be made. To my knowledge Bay doesn't want to hand it over because it's "his baby" and doesn't want people altering the film.

Also anyone notice the special effects really haven't improved much since the 2007 version which is nearly ten years older?


That's a good point - I didn't notice the effects. Now that you mentioned it, I will now.

The effects haven't improved, but what they can do with the effects, has I think.

The first film - the effects for 2007 were freaking awesome. But the fight scenes between the decepticons and autobots were so hard to follow.

They are a little more crisp now - meaning for me, the separation and clarity is more fluid with less cuts and cut aways.


Im being honest. This trailer is very different from other Transformers trailers this to me means it will be a very different movie. Not giving away too much in the trailer makes me want to see the movie even more. The end trailer really makes me want to see the movie


That's exactly what they wanted people to feel I think. Show little - create Interest.

Did you like all 4 films in the franchise?

The scenes they showed, didn't make me excited. I didn't get goosebumps and revved up like I did on the other ones. 'Rogue Ones' trailer - I could watch that over and over.

This one - not so much. I watched again to see if I missed something. Watched again, all I did was remember why I didn't get excited the first time.

My thing is, the trailers usually are awesome for this franchise - regardless of the final product.

Something seemed missing and off here. I can't put my finger on it.

I pray I'm wrong and this film brings me happiness like 2007 did. I'd even settle for Dark of the Moon (minus John Malkovich's and Dempsey's additions and weird story arcs - skipping to the 3rd act)....maybe.
