MovieChat Forums > Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Discussion > I don't know if this post is off-topic, ...

I don't know if this post is off-topic, but please read this now!

This IMDB user ( regularly criticizes Michael Bay on his message boards. (or boards of his movies)

In 2009, Michael Bay claimed to not read the internet/critics anymore, so the user does not have to worry about hurting his feelings. Bay has already produced/directed more than 10 critically panned adaptations of franchises/novels, including ones which the user is a loyal fan of. (Many of these critically panned adaptations end up being "mega-hits" despite Bay's involvement, not because of it.)

Back in August 2014, people (at those boards) have called the behavior (of the user) "trolling", which the user says to resent....the user might mock or namecall Bay in his posts, but never does it without including an example (or multiple examples) of what the user says is one Bay's wrongdoings, unscrupulous practices, or plain incompetence.

If people argue against this user about Bay's work and/or Bay's practices, the user will argue back using his logic against any positive things people say about Bay's work or practices.

If people write blatant insults like "YOU IDIOT!" for simply disagreeing with this user, the user will retaliate against people who directly insult this user for disliking Bay's critically panned work.
