MovieChat Forums > Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Discussion > Transformers movies and those Marvel com...

Transformers movies and those Marvel comic bool movies are the same

Longer than necessary run times, tons of CGI and explosions, forced humor and romantic interests. I find it funny how negative people are to the Transformers movies bit having a raging hard on for the Marvel comic book movie of the week when they are the same damn thing.

Maybe if those Marvel movies got negative critic reviews and the Transformers movies got positove critic reviews the reactions would be reversed.


Marvel films don't have longer running times than necessary.


But they do have all the goofy humor, product placement, logic issues that the transformers films constantly get ripped apart for. Oh and they literally have the same plot every single time: some normal guy gets super powers, loses a loved one, devotes his life to justice, fights a super villain, there's a Stan lee cameo, after credits scene.

At least with Transformers I can say there are only 4 of them, how many marvel films have there been for the past 15 years? 30? 40?


*beep* off dc troll.


I dont remember Ironman losing a lover or Thor or Deadpool. Antman didnt loose a lover. Hawkeye didnt either.


Black Widow lost no lover. Hulk lost no lover. Captain America technically didn't lose a lover. That *beep* is just a dc troll. Ignore the bastard.


I don't give a *beep* about DC, all superhero films have been run into the ground. And I never said "lover" I said "loved one" as in mom, dad or uncle etc etc.


Iron-man, Ant-man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Vision, War Machine e.t.c all dont have super powers


Longer than necessary run times, tons of CGI and explosions, forced humor and romantic interests.

What matters is the writing and subtlety. And for the most part Marvel Studios has it nailed down.


While I enjoy both, it has become apparent that both are too similar in stucture and purpose. Hell, remember in Dark of the Moon those big Decepticon ships that looked like whales?
One year later The Avengers have whale ships of their own of similar make.

And on the subject of similarities can we please stop with the beam in the sky crap? If I see one more of those I'm walking out before it ends. XD


Transformers was also a Marvel Comic :P


Marvel films have better stories, better characters, and better actors. There's a huge difference. The only similarity is the CGI use.


Let's be honest. Both franchises have over the top humor, tons of CGI and bad linear stories. Everyone who thinks Marvel movies have good writing are nothing but Marveltards!

Both series are aimed at the mainstream public for the main purpose of cashing in. DC had Suicide Squad, a similar shieeet movie aswell with many great actors.

When I saw the first Avengers I thought the similarites to Transformers 1 were uncanny. The destruction of the city, quips, explosions, overused CGI and stupid dialouges in between. Hell, Michael Bay might make a Marvel movie in the future.


That's what I love about Marveltards: They're cool with watching stupid *beep* just as long as it's not Michael Bay's stupid *beep*

-When Michael Bay makes a movie about Sentinel Prime using a device to open up a portal over Chicago in order to enslave the human race: people bash the film for not having a plot. But when Joss Whedon makes a movie about Loki using a device to open a portal over New York in order to enslave the human race: It's the greatest movie ever.

-When Michael Bay has Ken Jong drop his pants for a couple of seconds everyone loses their minds. Yet nobody says a word when Stellan Skarsgaard runs around completely Naked on TV, not once but TWICE.

-When Michael Bay takes a couple of seconds to show off the curves of his leading ladies everyone calls him a sexist. Meanwhile Joss Whedon takes every opportunity he can to shove the camera up Scarlett Johanson's ass and, of course, nobody says a word.

God, I'm sick of Transformers being everybody's whipping boy.
