
Apparently u didnt watch the cartoons


Yep. Giant boom boxes are more sillier.



Laserbeak has been around long before DARK OF THE MOON, or have your never watched the cartoons? Best stay clear of BEAST WARS then. And just in case you're wondering, a human looking Transformer(s) has also been around long before REVENGE OF THE FALLEN. The Pretenders played a big role in the '80s Japanese anime TRANSFORMERS: VICTORY.



True, never watched the cartoon
I loved the first Transformer, but the thing with clown robots etc etc ruined it for me


@IMDB_member. Stop your b!itching, because you're still going to watch this one next year, so just shut the eff up already!


Even if they pay me I eill not watch it


At THIS point I'm pretty sure TRANSFORMERS is more ashamed of YOU than YOU are of IT, lol.



Micheal bay knows there are still some dumb people out there
So lets keep making more money


It's such garbage...I sincerely hope it flops


Transformers was F-ed up thanks to Bay and his awful way of making movies, he is such a dickhead and a greedy one too.


It's not like Transformers was ever anything special before Bay got his hands on it, looking at it now I can honestly say it really wasn't that great and it's only purpose was to sell merchandise. But because so many people grew up with it they then hold it to some kind of higher standard. Also, do you mind explaining how he is a "dickhead" and "greedy"?


Apart from how he views women in films, his directing is nothing but garbage.

First film Sam was some desperate-to-be-laid-virgin to the too-sexy-to-be-ignored Megan Fox who obviously didn't tell Bay I am more then just hot ass and tits and that is all she was for the guys to jack off on. Same is so annoying and there was nothing heroic about him and nothing noble.

Second, third, fourth is the same thing all over again.

This should have been for kids but it was more for horny young adults and grown ups, it had no reflection of the tv series.




There a lot of review videos that explain my feelings toward Bay but bottom line is that he ruined my childhood cartoons.


his directing is nothing but garbage.

This should be entertaining, please elaborate?

First film Sam was some desperate-to-be-laid-virgin to the too-sexy-to-be-ignored Megan Fox who obviously didn't tell Bay I am more then just hot ass and tits and that is all she was for the guys to jack off on. Same is so annoying and there was nothing heroic about him and nothing noble.

Sam's insecure, he has a crush on the most popular girl in his grade, and wants to impress her by getting himself a car and trying to act cool. Pretty typical for boys his age, I was a teenager once so I can relate to that. Are his personality traits exaggerated? Sure, but that's all intentional for comic relief, not to be taken seriously.
As for Mikaela: She's not simply "just hot ass and tits and that is all she was for the guys to jack off on", she's an experienced mechanic who knows more about cars than Sam, she saved Sam from Frenzy, got Bumblebee out of danger and then drove him into battle to save a group of soldiers. Just because she's not Black Widow, doesn't mean she doesn't actively participate.

Second, third, fourth is the same thing all over again.

Hyperbolic nonsense! Funny, that seems to be the new complaint among you Transformers haters, you don't have anything as easy as robot testicles to complain about anymore so you're now reduced to saying that all the Transformers films are the "same thing over and over again".
Aside from chasing a McGuffin around in every movie, there are plenty of elements that set the Transformers films apart. From character motivations, to action set pieces to new revelations about the robots themselves.
Sure, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen may have sucked, but the rest are harmless fun. There are only 4 Transformers films released thus far and you're sick of them for being "the same thing over and over again", yet you probably don't have any problem paying to see whatever repetitive stuff Marvel is going to release in the coming years.
There are now 14 films in the MCU so far and they're all pretty much the same thing. A normal guy gets super powers, loses a loved one and then devotes his life to justice and eventually has to fight a super villain that wants to blow up a city or something along those lines. Then you'll stay in the theater until the credits are over just so you can see the little teaser for the next film. Oh, and don't forget about the obligatory Stan Lee cameo. I guess that never gets old, huh?

This should have been for kids but it was more for horny young adults and grown ups

The movies are intended primarily for teens (which is fine, as many teens do like Transformers), but kids can still watch them. I mean really, it's not like the occasional inserted adult jokes are that bad (except for those in the second movie, but that was a bad film and even Bay agreed it was a mistake), and the luring shots of women are nothing compared to anything in an American Pie or a Fast & Furious movie.

it had no reflection of the tv series.

It's actually really amazing how much the Transformers movies closely resemble the cartoon that you fanboys hold in such high regard. The cartoon has paper-thin characters (many of whom are introduced suddenly and treated as if they've been there the whole time, almost like the supporting Autobot characters you get in the Transformers sequels), there are paper-thin plots (again, arguably something in the movies), annoying human characters (Bay's certainly been true to that one), action sequences that add little to the episode (again, arguably a trait of the Bay movies) and said action sequences often equate to characters standing a few meters apart, shooting at each other and rarely hitting anything (so that's one thing Bay has improved upon). There are even plot-driving McGuffins every other episode and again, the movies have been faithful to that.

You should be at least grateful that Bay and co. have helped make the brand relevant again and a billion dollar film franchise to boot. Thanks to the movies, three well-written cartoons have spawned off of the success of them as well as plenty of video games, comics, and of course more toy lines. The original cartoons are still preserved in their original form, so nothing is ruined here (see my last paragraph).

There a lot of review videos that explain my feelings toward Bay

I'm familiar with a lot of those videos, but most are simply by attention seekers who hate on Michael Bay and Transformers because they think it gives them more street cred on the internet. They're all just regurgitated hyperbolic nonsense and/or over-exaggerated descriptions on Bay's flaws, hence why I stopped taking them seriously.

but bottom line is that he ruined my childhood cartoons.

He literally "ruined" your childhood cartoons? Grow up! Seriously, this has got to be the most overused and idiotic complaint you people use. Nothing is ruined. You can still freely purchase and watch every episode of Transformers and TMNT. So what's ruined? Did Bay personally break into your house and defecate all over your precious little DVD collection of Transformers? Did he burn them to ash? Did he make sure you and only you are never allowed to view these cartoons again and your only options are the films?
No, he didn't. Why don't you use that brain of yours and do what every other sane, non-entitled person does when they see a movie they don't like: Ignore it.
Transformers does not belong to you. IT belongs to anybody who wants to enjoy it -be it the original 80's cartoon, Beast Wars, Animated, Energon, Prime or the films. Plenty of people enjoy the films (hence their massive success). Bay has done his job whether you like it or not. So do like I said, ignore it and masturbate over your Transformers collection like a good little fantard.


Apart from how he views women in films, his directing is nothing but garbage.

First film Sam was some desperate-to-be-laid-virgin to the too-sexy-to-be-ignored Megan Fox who obviously didn't tell Bay I am more then just hot ass and tits and that is all she was for the guys to jack off on. Same is so annoying and there was nothing heroic about him and nothing noble.

Second, third, fourth is the same thing all over again.

This should have been for kids but it was more for horny young adults and grown ups, it had no reflection of the tv series.




There a lot of review videos that explain my feelings toward Bay but bottom line is that he ruined my childhood cartoons.

You Transformers haters are the greatest example of sheep mentality I have ever seen.

Bay's female characters are just eye candy?

1. Mikela saved Sam From Frenzy and saved Bumblebee and a group of soldiers.

2. Carley was the one who bravely stood up to Megatron and manipulated him into Attacking Sentinel thus saving Optimus.

3. Su was the one who Protected Joshua and the seed from Cemetery Wind.

4. Tessa was the one who went back and saved Optimus and Cade from Lockdown.

Sam wasn't heroic or noble?

I don't know what a high school student has to do to be considered heroic against a group of giant killer robots but I think doing his best to keep the cube out of their hands has to count for something. So you don't think him telling Megatron that he'll never give him the allspark doesn't count as noble. "you risked your life to protect the cube." -Optimus Prime.

All the Transformers films are all the same? this is one of my favorite complaints from you haters. So the first movie was about the autobots getting hunted down by a rouge black ops team? Was the 4th movie about a conspiracy about the moon landing? was the 3rd movie about Sam and friends roaming the Egyptian desert looking for some hidden tomb? was the first movie about a struggling single father trying to make ends meet? No? then shut up.

He ruined your cartoons?

You mean those stupid cartoons with one-dimensional characters, paper-thin plots, and tons of explosions? And as far as being made for adults and not for kids, you'll find just as much adult material in the marvel movies or x-men movies but kids go to see those movies all the time, so why aren't you making a big deal over them? You people are so personally invested in your stupid cartoons that you can't even see what's going on in the world of cinema as a whole. There is NOTHING you can say about Transformers that you can't say about just about everything else coming out in theaters today.
