MovieChat Forums > Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Discussion > How would you improve transformers?

How would you improve transformers?

Here's how I would:
1. Include a female autobot and female decepticon.
2. Give Bumblebee his voice.
3. Change the big bad from Megatron to anyone else.
4. Have adults as the human helpers. Not teens
5. Make the films a little shorter.
6. Less stupid jokes and more character development of the lesser known autobots.
7. Actually make the Villain a main character who doesn't just show up in the final battle.



In summation, I wholeheartedly agree...the movies already ARE almost perfect!



I rather direct the next one because I never direct a film before.


These movies have been getting better and better after the horrible second film. Michael Bay listens to criticism and gives the people what they want. unfortunately most people would rather ride the Bay hate train instead of just giving him credit where credit is due.

Remember the days when Robot Balls and racist twins were the death of Cinema? I kinda miss those days, because at least back then people actually had a legit reason to be angry, now it's just for whatever little nitpick they can find. You know you're running out of ammo when one of your top complaints about Age of Extinction is the name "Transformium." Let that sink in for a minute people, this is how low you've sunk. You went from complaining about robot balls, humping dogs, and farting robots to complaining about the name given to a fictional metal. What are you going to complain about next, Whalberg's hair?


Eliminate Mikey Bay from making anymore Transformer movies for starters. Secondly make better characters (humans that is) stick to kids not teenagers, especially horny ones.

Maybe get the people that made the Robocop remake, I loved that. It was the best remake or reboot I have seen. They stuck loyal to the classic though I was sad that none of the original actors made any appearances but still was a great movie to watch.


I want to direct the next one so bad as I never directed before.


Fanfic is one place to start, you got an idea for a plot? Post it on fan please I'll read it.


I rather do that on Wattpad instead.


Why do you assume it's all Bey's fault?


Everything Bay does with his movies is always the same stuff politicidal said.


More Jews.


1) Make the films shorter;like no more than two hours tops.
2) Make the Autobots the main characters.
3) No fratboy humor or sexual objectification of women-or men to make it even.
4) Emphasis the mythology and history of the different characters.
5) Feature more space battles.
6) Give the villains a personality.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Definitely agree with the first one. The last one would've been so much better had twenty minutes been dropped, so much of it was them stretching it out and the strain showed easily.



The only way to improve it is to reboot it without Michael Bay and they follow the G1 story line to a T and have it more about the Transformers then the humans.


Are you aware of the fact that ILM burn out their computers every time they make one of these movies? Do you know the amount of effort and time ILM puts into the screen time that they already have? Are you aware that ILM's rates go up with each movie? You're never going to get a live-action Transformers movie with just robots, regardless of who's directing it.

You want a Transformers movie devoted entirely to the robots? Then wait for the low budget animated film that'll be coming out in a few years.


LMAO I didn't say "devoted entirely to the robots" did I? I said more about them, a little less human screen time. No thank you, we've already had an animated film from 86. It would be an even bigger hit if they rebooted it and followed the original story line closer. Michael Bay ruined the franchise.


Bay "ruined" the franchise to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars...every franchise should be so lucky, lol.

He turned a franchise that was barely a shadow of its former self into one of the most successful franchises of all time. I'd say a little respect and some thanks are in order here.



If you think making billions of dollars means the franchise was done right okay, I think it would make even more money if done right. But I wasn't talking about how much money it made. This is the ONLY franchise I want to see done right, I won't thank someone who ruined it, no thanks are in order and no respect from me as when I watch them I just shake my head at a lot of it. They're cool because it's Transformers but could've been so much cooler. But hey if you love em then great for you, they suck for me. I'll take a shot and guess you were born way after the original series?


by residentevil6901 » 2 days ago (Tue Jan 3 2017 19:23:58)
IMDb member since November 2003
If you think making billions of dollars means the franchise was done right okay, I think it would make even more money if done right. But I wasn't talking about how much money it made. This is the ONLY franchise I want to see done right, I won't thank someone who ruined it, no thanks are in order and no respect from me as when I watch them I just shake my head at a lot of it. They're cool because it's Transformers but could've been so much cooler. But hey if you love em then great for you, they suck for me. I'll take a shot and guess you were born way after the original series?

No, I was born in '78 so I'm creeping up on 40 and I've been a die-hard fan of the cartoons, toys, and Marvel Comics run since I was about 6 years old. Why would you guess otherwise?


Anyway, the TV show was always kinda dog$#!t compared to the comics (albeit fun), so the comics were always more my jam, but I've also always loved them BOTH and I've been EXCEEDINGLY pleased to see both so well-represented and frankly IMPROVED UPON by the films while still incorporating so much of the original, source material.

But, yeah. We're talking about entertainment here so I'd say it's pretty important to acknowledge that the live action movies have been KILLING IT in terms of raking in the dough and demonstrating their worthiness as entertainment, not to mention basically bankrolling everything Hasbro's done since 2007, especially in terms of THIS particular franchise. Ignoring that is, well...just ignorant.

At the very least, saying the MOST successful iteration of the franchise to date has somehow "ruined" it is just preposterously silly, lol.


Say what you want about the Autobots taking backseat to the military in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but the other movies give them enough substantial screen time.

Michael Bay ruined the franchise

No, it he didn't. As the above poster pointed out, Transformers is alive and well.


Talk to any Transformer purist and they'll tell you it's alive but not well, they're ruined in their eyes.


Indeed, they're blinded by nostalgia.


Lol has nothing to do with nostalgia when all they want is an updated version of G1 followed to the letter. The nostalgia is already there with the original show. With the new Transformer movies a lot of the coolness is there, just not the spirit of it. It's missing some soul, Bay sold his soul to the devil to make these for the money.


Even if the movies were 100% like the original show from the 80's, they'd still not be held in very high regard in cinematic terms, they'd still be looked at as the equivalent of a McDonald's meal, not a fine cuisine. Critics would still give the films bad reviews and the series would still be viewed as juvenile entertainment not destined to be timeless. Sorry, but as enjoyable as G1 was as a series there was nothing going for it that would've suggested that a film version of it would've garnered critical praise and a classic of it's time, even the original movie from 1986 got heat from critics and its main source of love is by the longtime fans due to the nostalgia. A LOT more would need to be done to get a critical hit out of that material.


^ That sounds familiar, oh yes now I remember...

Not complaining or anything, feel free to re-use my original text for a response but please give me some credit.



Well, I was simply thinking of the best way to put my response into words and remembered it'd all been summed up perfectly on a previous thread, so I went back and used it for reference.

Didn't think anyone would mind...


I don't, but it wouldn't have hurt to credit me, considering it was word for word.



Lol I disagree but nothing I say will convince you. The biggest mistake in movie making history was them deciding to kill Prime and all the other original G1 guys in the 86 movie just to sell more toys. I'm sorry to say it but I believe I could make a better trilogy of movies using all the old G1 story lines today then Michael Bay could and I believe it would be a bigger hit. This is the only franchise in the world that I believe I could do that with and it has nothing to do with nostalgia.


I would try another franchise. I have no recollection of this show as I never watched it. It's not part of my childhood, so the films have never meant anything to me other than escapist entertainment with a minimalist plot. At the time this was on I was watching this:

Now if we could get a $100 Million version with a competent director and some big name stars, I could die happy. Maybe with Legendary starting to acquire properties...


At most 100 minutes long
Hire Punch Up Writers
Have a Female lead
Film it so you can tell which robot is which
