by residentevil6901 » 2 days ago (Tue Jan 3 2017 19:23:58)
IMDb member since November 2003
If you think making billions of dollars means the franchise was done right okay, I think it would make even more money if done right. But I wasn't talking about how much money it made. This is the ONLY franchise I want to see done right, I won't thank someone who ruined it, no thanks are in order and no respect from me as when I watch them I just shake my head at a lot of it. They're cool because it's Transformers but could've been so much cooler. But hey if you love em then great for you, they suck for me. I'll take a shot and guess you were born way after the original series?
No, I was born in '78 so I'm creeping up on 40 and I've been a die-hard fan of the cartoons, toys, and Marvel Comics run since I was about 6 years old. Why would you guess otherwise?
Anyway, the TV show was always kinda dog$#!t compared to the comics (albeit fun), so the comics were always more my jam, but I've also always loved them BOTH and I've been EXCEEDINGLY pleased to see both so well-represented and frankly IMPROVED UPON by the films while still incorporating so much of the original, source material.
But, yeah. We're talking about entertainment here so I'd say it's pretty important to acknowledge that the live action movies have been KILLING IT in terms of raking in the dough and demonstrating their worthiness as entertainment, not to mention basically bankrolling everything Hasbro's done since 2007, especially in terms of THIS particular franchise. Ignoring that is, well...just ignorant.
At the very least, saying the MOST successful iteration of the franchise to date has somehow "ruined" it is just preposterously silly, lol.