THAT is a trailer

That is what I would call a good trailer. Excellent scenes, great soundtrack, perfect voice over, interesting setting, etc. The only minus is the too much reveal of the film's plot. But nowdays that is usual.

I'm not what you might call a Transformers fan. I usually like Bay's movies, and I liked the first (and second) Transformers, they are entertaining. I didn't liked that much the third one, and I skeeped the fourth. But this trailer made sure that I will go watch the movie next summer. I really liked the (apparent) less light tone and setting of the movie.


The third one has a less light tone as well (presumably because there was so much backlash about the stupidity of the second one). As a fan of both Transformers and the Bay movies, mine go 1,3,4,2.

There are maybe five beings I hope I never have to fight and J'onn Jonzz is one of them. - Superman


I didn't mind the fact that they went balistical with the second. It seemed a good continuation of the first movie. I liked the darker tone of the third, but I felt short of my expectations. Megan Fox went away without a proper send off after her relationship with Shia being front and center in the other movies, I didn't liked the bad guy's character or the new romantic interest. The movie just felt like a cash grab.

I havem't seen the fourth one because it just seemed a lame reboot of the series. Is it any good?

This fifth movie seems promissing, at least the supportingcast of the original triology is back, that alone is great.


"I havem't seen the fourth one because it just seemed a lame reboot of the series. Is it any good?"

Not really. It's not terrible or anything but it's just way too damn long. It's 2 hours and 45 minutes but feels like 3 1/2 hours.

But if you are going to watch the new one next year, then yeah I would recommend seeing Age of Extinction because given how it ends it will lead directly into this new one


ok man. Thanks for the info. I guess that I will have to find the will to sit trough that fourth movie. Just that right there shows how much the fifth seems good to me 😀


The fourth one isn't really a reboot. It continues on from part 3. It's the same timeline, the Autobots simply make new friends. Some people call it a soft reboot, but I wouldn't even go that far.

There are maybe five beings I hope I never have to fight and J'onn Jonzz is one of them. - Superman


Fave: 1, maybe 3

Least fave: 2 or 4, can't decide.


You should really watch the 4th one first.

It gets a lot of flak from fans online...but then again don't ALL the movies?

So, yeah. Tune 'em out and see what you think for yourself. It has probably the best storyline for Optimus, maybe the best villain, reaches further back into the lore and history of the Transformers than any other movie yet, introduces the new cast (Dinobots included!), and ends on a cliffhanger leading directly into TF:TLK.

Skipping it for no real reason before watching the new movie would be pure folly.


Thanks. I will do that. Yeah, I try not to give much consideration to online movie reactions/reviews, but the trailer of the fourth one didn't convinced me. And I was a fan of the Shia's character (and the supporting cast that is now returning was also great), so the change of main character didn't bode well to my opinion of the movie.


Oh, I understand...I'm a fan of Shia Lebeouf and the Witwickys myself, but he's just not interested in making anymore Tranformers movies right now so OH, WELL, it is what is. Maybe someday! No reason to grind the movies to a halt waiting on him in the meantime though, right?

Plus, the new cast is great so it still works without him anyway.

I was just saying that no matter your concerns there's still a lot of awesome and interesting stuff going on in TF:AoE and if you're going to watch one, two, three, and five then you might as well go ahead and give number four a shot, too.

Hope you enjoy it and let us know what you think when you get around to it!

