Im Confused?? Megatron?

wasnt this megatron was called gavatron from the last movie? what happen will u think they will explain this since he was made from human as a experiment ??


Unicorn will pimp him up


My guess is the decepticons return his spark to him, thus restoring his original form.


It's unicron. Not unicorn

You said it yourself pal, we're the guardians of the galaxy!


He was called Galvatron by the humans because they used his body to create a new one for their purposes. But Megatron's mind was still very much alive, so he gave them the "how to" and created his new body when the technology was available.

He had a mix of his mind and their software, and later int he film he takes full control and by the end of the film, he fully
acknowledges he is Megatron in a new body.

It's basically been explained in subtext and minimal dialogue alluding then confirming this.


Again? F^cking hell, kill him already!

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Every movie just compounds more and more bs onto Megatron.

They make it like it's all one long end-game that he somehow knew about from the start.

I'm still trying to figure how he goes from Galvatron to the designs for this film...unless he somehow managed to manipulate the Transformium body of his to make his new design.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


No, it's really just a series of schemes and improvising along the way for whatever still works at any given moment.

I wish more people got that.



You realize Megatron is the main villain leader in the ENTIRE CARTOON SERIES right? ;) Galvatron was simply Megatron enhanced in the cartoon Not like these movies that have changed some cannon around


There's really no "canon" concepts in the Transformers fact, it's sort of the antithesis of the general concept, lol.

That said, while you are correct that Galvatron was really just Megatron v.2.0 in the original comics and cartoon, he's also been portrayed as an entirely different character in alternate iterations.

And Galvatron basically IS still Megatron in the movies so far, so they've essentially been true to the original G1 lore.


I have a theory as to how galvatron becomes Megatron and gains the new design. so in the first movie when megs is dying, prime states" you left me no choice, brother" which probably doesn't mean they are actually related like skids and mudflap, they're just brothers in arms. now, in many iterations, prime and megs have a friendly past before the war, so in my mind this brotherhood developed when prime and the other knights, including Megatron, were traveling through space in the knights terminus, aka lockdown ship that he stole. at the end if aoe, we never see anybody claim this ship so I believe that galvatron snuck on and took it to mope over his defeat in isolation. he rejects his new identity, favoring a name that he himself created, not some puny humans, calling himself Megatron again. within the ship he likely chooses a weapon of his liking, taking the cleaver like blade we see him have and because he was also once a knight, his appearance changes to a much more knight like design like primes forearms did once he claimed his sword in aoe. it may be a stretch but in my mind it makes sense and I love it


Not bad! Hits a lot of interesting notes I think might be pretty close to what we'll soon be seeing in the film, actually.

Except Galvatron and the Knightship were literally headed away from each other in opposite directions, lol.

And it's "temenos" not "terminus" (and it's only part of the ship), the difference is a pretty big deal you might be interested in hearing more about...


I wouldn't be surprised if Galvatron sort of hides out in northern America near snow capped mountains. He comes across a hidden terrorist compound, kills them all off as they yell "Cobra!" and try to attack him, and scans their tank... and after much and terrible pain finally transforms (without molecular breakdown) back into his robot mode yelling, "I.... AM.... MEGATRON!" OR a possible tribute to Beast Machines.... "I... AM... TRANSFORMED!"

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!
