An idea for TF 6

Here’s a thought. They need to bring in a Daniel character but he does NOT need to be related to ANY previous movie character. He does NOT need have previous military experience. But since the Decepticons seem to be on the march again… maybe a Decepticon kills his parents or parent and he’s determined to take down as many Decepticons as possible and WANTS to join the Autobots in their fight to win back Earth. Might make a decent story for TF 6. But we really need a Daniel… and he needs to be a gruff, no nonsense sort of person. But he’s someone who KNOWS the distinction (not Kelsey Grammar’s character)… and they could always make fun of him always running into battle. Or always having glory charges… and how NONE of the enemies shots ever hit him! And maybe near the end where he DOES get hit, and an Autobot does too… and the only way to save each of them is to ‘merge’ them… and have the first Autobot ‘head’ master in the movie universe.

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!


An autobot in The Last Knight is a headmastee.
