MovieChat Forums > Respire (2015) Discussion > Only for young womens

Only for young womens

The film is OK.
The teens´ world is so well showed.

But this is and important warning.
All the movie is building exclusive from the point of view and the feeling of a teenager.

This is the good and the bad thing.
Good because (I guest) the film surely is so atractive to the women and specially young women.
Bad because is so dificult folow the internal logic of the plot watching the movie from outside this world.

This is the opposite to so films made only for men in general awfull but that some kinds of audiences love...!

I don´t agree with the ending, IMO is not appropriate to the character, but I feel is the fantasy ending to a lot of girls.

This is good movie, but not enjoyable and made by and for young women.

Hablo mejor español :)


I kind of get what you're saying. Not sure why Charlie was so codependent on and enamored of Sarah. Never fantasized about killing a high school frenemy but thought the shove was believable.

Same Rules Apply


This is a great film. And it is not only for young women, it is for all lovers of quality films.

"But I have infinite tenderness for you. I always will. My whole life."


OK, this is only my opinion.

Hablo mejor español :)


I'm a young man (26) and I enjoyed it


Well me too, but in my opinion all the film is a very special teen world.

Hablo mejor español :)
