Saw Forums!!

Is there anyway us as a fanbase can set up some sort of Saw Legacy and/or saw forum so we can discuss just saw? i know forums already exist but there kinda dead ive seen a good amount of activity on these forums and were wondering if anyone could make a saw forum we can all go to and discuss! But if you know any forums about saw that still have a active forum send me the link!! What do you guys think as i want this fanbase and series to continue! So hyped for Saw Legacy!!


I have just created a Facebook group, Feel free to join in!


thats awesome bro ill be sure to check that out!! if you want i could be an admin? also please try to make sure your active!! Hopefully other fans check it out!!


I'm the Admin and I might get one of my friends if the group grows large enough. It's a slow-ball for now, won't be much stuff happening until the PR campaigns kick in anyway, but always good to have an officially-named group to trade leaks!


Could you please make the link clickable?


is there any forums you guys use? or are these the only ones if so ill try and make one!


I suggested this on another post on here but I think Reddit would be extremely popular. The site in general is popular and so we would just have to make a subreddit for saw but I'm not entirely sure how to do it. I'd suggest making an overall Saw page though, not for just the sequel so that we can discuss all the Saw movies!


Thats a really good idea! ill try and find a saw subreddit if none exist ill try and figure out how to make one! ill link it too you if i find it or make one!


Update: i can make a saw subreddit but it might take me awhile as i have to do certain things to do that! but i will try to make a nice subreddit for all saw fans ill link it to you if you want it just tell me below thanks for the idea
