Hey guys not trying to promote my videos but ive made a video about if saw legacy will be a success or not and talk about the contributing factors to it success or failure please check it out if you like Saw Legacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJuuh0aUCpA
It's hard to tell, really. I have a feeling it'll probably under-perform compared to prior entries just because audiences can be quite fickle and often these types of revivals of series/franchises made 5+ years after the previous film don't do as well. (Scream 4 being a good example... decent sequel, and far better than the third film, but it performed well below expectations and barely broke even at the box office)
The things you gotta think about include things like: -Relevance to the modern cinema-going audiences -Whether or not the fan-base has continued to grow -The level of nostalgia it has for people -Publicity and hype -Budget levels -Etc.
I can't imagine it's going to have a particularly huge budget (I'd be surprised if they put in more than $15 million), so I don't think it will necessarily bomb, but I think there's a certain stigma for long-running franchises, especially when revived after a prolonged break, that turns off many audiences. So it might only make, say... Saw VI numbers, if not slightly lower. (Though I hope I am proven wrong and it does well.) I also can't help but feel audiences these days are a bit more cynical than they once were. People tend to just think "Oh, they're just going back to the well", and dismiss these types of films often.
I honestly wouldn't mind if rather than going widely to theaters, they did a quiet, limited release (something like they did with the 10th Anniversary where it only was screened for a week, or like the last Paranormal Activity, where it only played at certain theaters for a few weeks), and then just released it mainly as a Netflix release or something similar. Honestly, I've said for a while now that I wouldn't mind if more episodic films like the Saw series skipped theaters and were released on streaming platforms like Netflix... there's already a big audience there, it doesn't run the risk of bombing badly and there's less restrictions.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
I think it will do a bit better than saw 6 breaking 35 million for sure and i think the fanbase is here but just not too active i think it will do decent at the box office nothing like saw 1 and 2 but we should try our best to hype it up!