Anyone Seen This Movie Yet?

I've been looking and I can't even find a definitive release date.

I Love The Last 2 Undisputed Films With Adkins, Can't wait to buy and watch this.

Has anyone Seen it yet? If So, could you just tell me, are the action/fight sequences close to the same quality as Undisputed III.

Also if anyone has A Definitive release date, let me know


interested as well. IMDB ratings look great, but you can't trust them anymore (if you ever could). no context without discussion boards


I've just watched it online right now, it was cool. There are similar moves, but some very new and even more impressive, too (sometimes it's a bit over the top, I know that Boyka is a monster, but standing up after such a beating...). I want to buy the movie, if there will be any opportunity for that.


Ya I want to buy it too....but I cant even find a release date

I'm glad to hear its good though


I've seen it and it was a good action flick. It wasn't a masterpiece by any way. The thing that bothered me was the fake Russian accent during the whole length of the movie. I was getting annoyed by the end of the movie. Action wise it was a decent action martial flick. Worth a watch in my opinion especially if you like martial arts :)
