I hope studios look at the performance of PAN and think to themselves, "Hmmm, maybe we don't need to re-imagine every fairy tale and old folk story that has been done a million times before." Seriously, no one wants another Robin Hood, Peter Pan, King Arthur, Zorro or whatever other old property you're trying to re-imagine for modern day audiences.
Yeah you don't treat fairy tales like anythings else. A fairy tale must be told the same way every time and there must not be any variation. Its like the Holy Bible. How dare they change the word of the God that was J. M. Barrie. Shame on you Joe Wright for making a Pan movie that doesn't fallow the Fairy Tale to the letter. Especially when your movie is the Only Peter Pan movie ever made.
No, the problem is not re-interpreting, or adding a relevant backstory, which is fine with me. The problem is a completely derivative hodgepodge that doesn't make sense on any level, except as an excuse for eye-popping 3D and CGI visuals. Why all the poorly done reboots, remakes, prequels and sequels? Doesn't anyone have something creative or original to tell?
When I watched the first trailer about six months ago, I immediately came up with the 'elevator pitch':
Why still another Peter Pan? Well, this time it's Oliver Twist who escapes to Neverland and meets Indiana Jones, and they make friends with Queen Amidala, and they team up to fight the Pirates of the Caribbean, as restyled by the Cirque du Soleil! Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Well, not really. And having seen the movie, it still pretty much sums it up. Except that it turned out to be Mother Mary giving birth to Messiah Pan after having been impregnated by the Fairy God.
Real problem is the Barrie charecters are totally butchured in Pan. You can get away with a lot if you get the charecters right,but you get them wrong you are screwed. Rumot has it main reason Warners greenlighted this thing was they thought it would be another Harry Potter for them,filling the cash cow void left by the end of the Potter franchise. I am betting if Warners had known that Rowling would develop "Fantastic Beasts" into a movie,this would not have been greenlighted.
I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny Homer Simpson
Agreed. Just what i was thinking lately. Don't they see the public is fed up with all these kid story's? We need more serious adult drama (about wars, murder, biopic's, politics, sex or whatever). I hope that every mediocre made child movie sinks terribly deep at the box office.
I think Hollywood just has to understand that following trends doesn't always equal big bucks. Ever After is one of my favorite films and far be it from me to tell Hollywood not to remake anything because they will never stop.
But even if the end goal is always to make money, at least put 'make a good movie' next to that as a parallel goal. Coz if you're going to spend money on something, at least make something that you're proud of at the end. So that people will have faith in and support your decisions even if you fail.