MovieChat Forums > Pan (2015) Discussion > Am I the only one?

Am I the only one?

I really enjoyed this movie. Did it have its problems sure. Was it a perfect movie no. However it was a very entertaining fun strange quirky weird different telling of one of my favorite characters. I thought the nirvana seen was awesome, strange but it worked. I liked it. I feel like this is going to be a movie that is hated by critics but will gain a strong cult following. Second star to the right and straight on til morning.


I quite liked the movie, it wasn't a masterpiece and their were some annoying characters but I cannot really complain when I only paid £1.75 to see it at the pictures. :)

God is an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live.


I really enjoyed it. It's actually my favorite retelling\rendition of this story. I get chills every time I watch it.


I'm watching it right now and shocked by all the negative reviews (which seem spoiled and snotty, if you ask me). And Garrett Hedlund (Hook) just made it into my celebrity crush list. He seems to me to be a young Tom Waits. Everything here seems so magical and honest. And who cares about Tigerlily's race? It's a land where kids make-believe stories are made real. I adore this movie, so far!




Right? Not to mention that the natives were comprised of all different type of races and peoples. It wasn't like they were all white.

It's a fantasy land, so it doesn't need to conform to our rules. The natives in this fantasy land could have been the first group of people to go to Neverland.


Update: Just finished watching and I LOVED IT!!!


I confess I saw this movie way too many times in the theatre. I absolutely love it even with its flaws and dearly wish it had been better written and directed so the sequels (because they were planned) could come out.

I also have a massive crush on Garrett Hedlund because of this movie. As a result I have seen everything he's been in. (No joke, I just went down the IMDb filmography.). He is extremely talented.


I just wrote this in other comment:

This movie was not bad but it remains a sense of emptiness, something was missing. All we want to know what happens to Hook and Pan, but we will never learn.


There are quite a few threads about people liking it. I loved it. I'm not surprised that a number of people didn't like it, but a lot of things that bother folks about big budget films like this I'm either neutral on or I actually like.


I really enjoyed it as well. Levi has a good future ahead of him. What a terrific actor. I have not read the books and wondered when Wendy would appear. Maybe if there is a sequel? GOOD FILM!!
