I thought the movie was pushing a 5/10. Not terrible but nothing special either. There were worse films in 2015 - Self/Less, The Fantastic 4 or Jem & the Holograms - or else stuff that was just tacky and offensive - The Imitation Game, Exodus: Gods & Kings. Pan's main problem is that it's just dull.
The story is a cliched one that's been done to death. Peter's origin story is that he's the chosen one left behind as an orphan on Earth. Once he gets to Neverland, he meets someone who knew his mother and even has an 'orphan's plot trinket' to save the day. You've seen this story a hundred times already and Pan doesn't even do it with any particular style to differentiate itself from the others. Oz The Great & Powerful had its flaws but it still created a pretty good story underneath it all.
There's some weird changes to the Peter Pan mythos that really didn't need to be done. For one, Peter's apparently a child in 1940s London. The original story happens in the Edwardian Era, so that just shows they didn't care enough about their source material. Hook is suddenly an American cowboy for no real reason, when he's always been Charles II lookalike from possibly 17th or 18th century England. To a lesser extent, Tiger Lily is now a sexy adult warrior princess. And yes, she's white. Notably the tribe is made up of a mix of ethnicities - and the only one to play any role in the story is the white girl. Who is also the one with the authority. This also opens up a can of worms with the fact that Tiger Lily is now presented as a direct love interest to Hook - and she can only be a love interest if she's a pretty white woman. Further muddying the issue is the fact that there was a big announcement over Wendy being black - and she doesn't even appear in the finished film.
On a superficial level, the performances are a mixed bag. Levi Miller and Hugh Jackman try but they can't salvage things. Garret Hedlund and Rooney Mara were all wrong for their parts. Amanda Seyfried was completely wasted. I didn't even know she was in the movie until I looked it up online.
There's also some really weird tonal shifts in how the story is. For example, Peter's orphanage is run by a cartoonishly evil nun (who's also a rather rude Irish stereotype) that would be more at home in a Roald Dahl book. Then the movie tries to get serious and dark, which doesn't match the more cartoony parts.
So this movie fails on several levels, and the race issue is one of them. The special effects are good and there are a couple of moments where you think the film will kick into gear and redeem itself. But it never manages to be anything more than average.