
Was this problem revealed this recently? I thought it was common knowledge that football players have brain issues sustained from the NFL playing years way before 2002. Any Given Sunday touched upon this, and Ace Ventura Pet Detective.

We've seen the "old retired football guy" pretending to be still in the game, in Comedies for years before this movie.

Maybe it wasn't official until then, but I thought it was common knowledge that blows to the head = brain damage.


I think the importance of this movie is that Omalu actually proved that football was associated with this syndrome. the NFL was actually denying there was any link between guys having brain problems so young (40-50!) with sustaining so many hits to the head. Even though they probably knew that many years prior and did nothing about it. The brain did not have any of the usual signs of damage as with Alzheimer's etc. the syndrome did not even have a scientific name until Omalu. I think prior to Omalu work, fans, players, coaches, doctors etc. could safely be in a state of denial over the suicides, erratic behavior, etc by just blaming it on something else. (oh he was just a stupid, depressed, a drug-addled, violent, guy...)
