Soon to be cancelled...
With Iron Fist and Luke cancelled within a week, I'm assuming Netflix will give Daredevil a grace period of a few weeks to support Season Three ... and then cancel it.
shareWith Iron Fist and Luke cancelled within a week, I'm assuming Netflix will give Daredevil a grace period of a few weeks to support Season Three ... and then cancel it.
shareThe difference is Daredevil is great while Iron Fist and Luke Cage were mediocre.
shareWait, they're cancelling Iron Fist? I kinda enjoyed it. Never could get into Luke Cage though. Surprised they didn't cancel Jessica Jones.
shareWait Luke Cage was cancelled?
Prof. Farnsworth:"Good news, everyone!"
That’s right... it happened only a couple weeks after Iron Fist was cancelled.
It hasn’t been made clear exactly why they were axed. I’ve read a few articles suggesting Netflix couldn’t come to agreement or something. But many are also theorizing that Fist & Cage (along with the current Netflix Marvel shows) are headed to Disney’s streaming service... Or they will return in some other capacity. Gotta wait and see.
My hope is that they return as Heroes For Hire.
shareSame. I think that would honestly be the best way to go with these characters.
shareExactly, they don't really have enough of story to stretch for 13 episodes for each of the character and the end result becomes PLOT MOLASSES.
It would be much cooler for the them to be Heroes for Hire and get 3-4 episodes per each adventure/mission with an overarching villain at the end.
Daredevil and Jessica Jones both have higher ratings than Cage and Iron Fist. They announced that season 3 of JJ is going to begin production soon.
shareNot sure I'll be mourning. This whole experiment started so well. First season of Daredevil did to superhero TV what's "The Dark Knight" did to superhero movies. Then there was the incredible first season of Jessica Jones. DD season 2 had some great moments but since then everything kind of went downhill.
shareWhat did TDK do for superhero movies?
It was Iron Man's success that started this frenzy for comic book movies/tv shows.