MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > Was Danny Rand ever so...

Was Danny Rand ever so...

emotional and easily manipulated in the comics? He runs away without a word, didn't complete his training, acts like a petulant child, spouts off about his secret order whenever he gets the chance to, and has no reasonable mind. It's like an 11 year (or whatever his age was when his plane crashed) trapped in an adult body. They sure failed when they choose him as the Iron Fist (or it choose him) that's for sure.

Ep11: "I am the Iron Fist. Protector of K'un-Lun. Sworn enemy of the Hand."
-Didn't complete training so he isn't a true Iron Fist more like Half-A-Fist.
-Abandoned K'un-Lun by running away and not really intent on going back so is not a protector.
-Didn't kill any or very very few of the Hand members so he cannot be a real enemy if all he did was just mess them up a bit.


I feel the same way and felt it so strongly while watching the show. His character made me cringe at every line, every careless action, or when he dismisses his company and is easily lead.

But I was thinking, perhaps his innocence is due to being isolated in a monastery. Isolated from being around conniving people or around malicious characters. But then, his friend Davos isn't like him AT ALL. In fact, his monastery training shows that if you failed a level, you were beaten until you completed it. So apparently, the monastery is not some heavenly innocent eden where someone like Rand can exist.

So finally, I'm left to conclude that it's either the writing for the character combined with Finn's deficits as an actor that's coming across poorly OR it simply is the weakness of Finn the actor.


The correct word you were looking for is "Gay" )))

