MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > People At NYCC Say Colleen Wing Outshine...

People At NYCC Say Colleen Wing Outshined Iron FIst

can someone explain how that was there


I wouldn't say outshines (we only saw one scene of her) but it sure was impressive. We saw four scenes with Danny, two of which action that looked very good, but Colleens was the most brutal and probably the most impressive.


in the comics colleen has access to chi as well and can use it to increase her strength speed and healing similar to iron fist but not as powerful.. do youthink she will have it in the show to. or they ill just go with the " very good at martial arts etc"


Not quite sure so far. It could go either way.


Hey people need stuff to report so ...
But yeah considering the drama around Danny being White but a master of an Asian art, I could see them really playing up huge the Asian stars of the show.
1) So Colleen has to protect the show from being called racist.
2) And then Danny has to run to Harlem and save Luke Cage from being called racist.
3) Yes people are stupid. 😞


I still dont get this ridiculous *beep* DANNY RAND .. is a white character in the comics... .. what is amrvel suposed to do.. change the race of the character to asian.. and isilated the entire fanbase of ironfist.. to appeast the SJW???.. being realistic. the amount of people it will affect danny rand being white.. WHICH HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE.. is minimal.

There would have been more of an outraw.. if they changed his race to asian..


Exactly! I'm so sick of these damn imbeciles complaining that Danny Rand is white. He's white in the comics! Those idiots probably didn't even know who Danny Rand was. They assumed he was asain because he knows martial arts, which is ridiculous! Apparently only asain people can learn martial arts according to those morons.
