MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > Colleen wing is iron fist romance what?

Colleen wing is iron fist romance what?

why is everyone saying they put danny with colleen.. instead of misty. is it cause of the trailer or rumours... tbh though i dont see the 2 actors who play danny and misty as being together... with colleen and danny i do.. so maybe they did change it


The trailer shows Danny and Colleen getting intimate so for now, it seems Danny and Misty will not be together.


He hasn't even met Misty...

You do know that right? He likely will in Defenders.
Guess what Luke Cage is not with Jessica Jones either, that must shock you.


I was right... Danny and colleen are in a relationship.. even at the end of the show, unlike all other marvel netflix show. they are going to be in a relationship in the defenders 2... and they wont wasint anytime breaking them up in only the 8 episodes they have either. so get used to it they gonna be together for a whle


Yeah, I was actually looking forward to Danny and Misty before I saw the series. However, the way he and Colleen are written, it's pretty clear they are written as the root for couple. I don't see Misty being able to rival that. Thankfully, Danny and Colleen were appealing in their own right so I don't mind. But it would have been really nice to have seen Danny and Misty paired together.



I know right! I thought Misty and Danny would get together, but I don't see that happening now. I like Danny with Colleen.


So Danny's with Misty in the comics? Interesting...


They are closer in age in the comics and have a lot more in common.


Let be honest, though.. misty/dany.. do not stay together in the comics. they break up eventually. so it's not like dany/many is endgame or anything that they need to stick to the canon material. so they don't have to do that.. so they decided not to like.. hey they don't stay together, no point in doing it.. lets put many with colleen which makes more sense.. and it does tbh.. they work better as a couple 2.. plus I just can not see. dany and misty in this MCU television verse working at all.. first there is the age gap.. and their characters.. just don't see tand hem having any chemistry either. on the contrary.. Dany/colleen have chemistry.. and they come as a pair atm.. dany/colleeen may break up then get back together and stay broken up.. or w/e.. but dany/misty wont be happening.
