MovieChat Forums > Still Alice (2015) Discussion > Did anyone else read the book?

Did anyone else read the book?

I know there is probably another thread here, and I scanned a couple of sections (but I didn't want to take the time to read through everything).

Of course, the book was really able to focus on Alice's point of view. You really got inside Alice's mind and the decline of her mind (which the movie couldn't do unless there was a voiceover). It was especially interesting to see her forget everyone in the family. In the book, she referred to her daughter's as "the actress" and "the mother." She knew what they were by their professions, but she did not know who they were or that she was their mother. One of the best scenes in the book was when she fell and her husband helped her. She said that a nice man had helped her. The reader thinks it is just a man until we are clued in that it was her husband. Of course, this would be hard to do in a movie, but it was especially powerful in the book.

I know there are time limits in the movie, but the book was really able to flesh out her character a little better. The movie seemed a little more choppy in that respect. Also, as many have stated, the movie ends abruptly. The book seemed to have an ending that was a little less abrupt. I remember when the movie ended I thought, "That was it?"

The only qualms I have about the book itself is that it is not especially well-written. The author is not always grammatically correct which was distracting. It took me a few chapters to get past this and to enjoy the book for the story itself. (Now here's hoping I didn't make any grammar errors!)


I didn't read the book. How did the book end compared to the abrupt ending of the movie?


The book ends the same way, but perhaps because of the way the pacing is in the movie it felt more abrupt? Either way, I agree that the book had the chance to expand on Alice's personal deterioration but I still deeply enjoyed the film! Both the film and the book are memorable and im glad I got to experience both.


The movie ends somewhat the same as the book. It leaves off Alice think of her daughters, as The Mother and The Actress. A few things were left out of the movie, that I loved in the book. I do think, some of the deleted items, short changed the husband and eldest daughter. However it doesn't change the movie.

The movie/book were told from Alice's point of view. Once she no longer really knew her family, her surroundings and could barely communicate, the movie has to end. The entire movie Alice was trying to understand and connect with her youngest daughter. Alice wanted to guide Lydia. The book does a better job, of showing Lydia following her mother's advice. However seeing Alice and Lydia connected was lovely. That last scene might have been the last time Alice was able to be a mother to her youngest child. It might have been the last time Lydia was able to connect with her mother.


I read the book last year before I saw the movie, and I thought it was really sad. I wrote a review on my blog PoetryBooksYA:

And what happened to Lydia in the end? Did she go to college like her mom said? For drama?
