how could she test them at 5 weeks?!?! have the egg even implanted?!?! u can't get an abortion until 6 weeks...due to implantation not happening yet so how on earth did Anna get her babies genes tested at 5 weeks?!?!
I can understand if these were test tube babies but natural conception....isn't is dangerous to interfere with eggs which are not deemed to be viable ??
It wasn't natural conception. Earlier in the film she mentions she's going to a fertility clinic. And then after she finds out about Alices condition and that it's congentital she said something along the lines of 'it's a good thing we found out now before we did the next round of ivf because they can test the embryos." Which is implied that they'd test the embryos before implanting them in the next round of ivf to avoid having a child that was a carrier for the gene.
this is true, but they still made a mistake... it wasn't a natural conception, but anna said something about the next round of IUI (i watch movies with captions), and IUI is a procedure where they placed sperm directly into the woman's body, as close as possible to the ovum (i assume), then the sperm implants like normal.... assisted, but not as much as IVF (in vitro fertilization, aka test tube baby).... the filmmakers should've just had her say "IVF" instead of "IUI" and then it would make sense.... her eggs would have been harvested and then (again i assume) the doctors could check the genes or however they do it.....
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...
She said the IUI didn't work, I thought they switched to IVF after to check the embryos? I guess if she said "next cycle" about the testing, that would have been wrong
I also found them to be quite large for just born babies. How did she manage to squeeze them out? They were quite huge, at least the size of 2 months old babies.
I also found them to be quite large for just born babies. How did she manage to squeeze them out? They were quite huge, at least the size of 2 months old babies.
Agreed. My wife and I both observed that at the time. But kinda hard to recruit preemies to play preemies.
My people skills are fine. It's my tolerance of morons that needs work.