MovieChat Forums > Still Alice (2015) Discussion > Did anyone think the end was fairly abru...

Did anyone think the end was fairly abrupt?

I thought the movie was really good. Thank God they showed a rich family suffering. Can you imagine watching a poor woman with a *beep* up family and no vacation home going through all this *beep* Who would want to see that? I liked how someone else described the setting - 'Hollywood class porn'.
Julianne Moore brought her A+ game here, but did anyone else feel a bit let down by a seemingly premature ending?

Like the premature near successful attempt to kill herself in the movie, the movie seemed to stop just short of feeling a more whole movie. It left the story and Moore's character teetering in a kind of..'well the viewer doesn't really want to see more of Julianne's character so *beep* up'. It stayed too safe for my liking. I wanted to see more in line with Jeffrey Rush in the second half of Shine jumping on that trampoline. May be not a trampoline, but you get the gist.

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Yeah it reminded me of the ending of no country for old men.


No country is a masterpiece. The ending is a little cold and abrupt for some, but after seeing the movie ten or more times, it washes over me quite well now.

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Yeah, it seemed like the writers just didn't know how to end it. They probably didn't want to end it on a super depressing note of her killing herself but wanted to go for realism as well so they just went for a "love transcends all" kind of ending. The final scene is touching, but it still came off a little abrupt for me.


well put, touching but abrupt. (or so it felt to me)

I was welling up and then credits....Wha?





Well I don't remember scenes prior to the last one, but I think it was coherent. Her desease progressed and it was shown how inabil she was. The family moved on. The dauther that always had trouble dealing with her was the one to caretake her at the end. She was barely able to understand what was talked to her and answer, but still she was happy. Her death wasn't shown.

What else do you expect?


I thought of Alice walking with her daughters into the nursing facility with her suitcases. Her husband was too busy doing his cancer research, and her son wasn't brave enough to help in any way. Or maybe he was lazy? I still can't make up my mind about him. But I wouldn't have wanted the scene to be at her funeral. The ending was too abrupt.


Way too abrupt for my taste... I just got done watching it and as soon as it ended all I could think was "you've got to be f'king kidding me... that's it?" I hated the ending


I didn't hate it. It just didn't seem to do the story justice, as to show the extent of the illness.

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It was abrupt. But it was obviously a deliberate artistic choice and I liked it. It worked well.


I really liked the movie but the ending was the only thing I didn't care for. It felt too rushed. I wish it would have ended a different way.


Yes, it was abrupt, but as a result, it made me think of the possibilities rather than providing an easy and obvious resolution. Her struggle isn't over yet, for better and worse.
