Did anyone think the end was fairly abrupt?
I thought the movie was really good. Thank God they showed a rich family suffering. Can you imagine watching a poor woman with a *beep* up family and no vacation home going through all this *beep* Who would want to see that? I liked how someone else described the setting - 'Hollywood class porn'.
Julianne Moore brought her A+ game here, but did anyone else feel a bit let down by a seemingly premature ending?
Like the premature near successful attempt to kill herself in the movie, the movie seemed to stop just short of feeling a more whole movie. It left the story and Moore's character teetering in a kind of..'well the viewer doesn't really want to see more of Julianne's character so *beep* up'. It stayed too safe for my liking. I wanted to see more in line with Jeffrey Rush in the second half of Shine jumping on that trampoline. May be not a trampoline, but you get the gist.
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