Yeah, like someone already mentioned each of these dopes just plays themselves in every film I've ever seen them in. But she's young and attractive and was in Twilight, so she isn't going anywhere at least until her thirties. And he's young and...non-threatening? I think studios like Eisenberg because he's enough of a dork for most male viewers to either identify with him or at least not feel threatened by him, but he manages to be a twerp without going full retard and turning away female viewers.
And now, because of the Social Network, he has credibility - which makes him much more dangerous. So we have to suffer through him being cast in films like Batman vs Superman because DC so badly wants people to take them seriously that they'll hire anyone who ever smelled an Oscar. And then he shows up in stuff like this because someone up there thinks he's got the crossover potential.
Thing is, he obviously doesn't have the pull that they thought. I don't think anyone actually sees films because of Jesse Eisenberg, he just kind of shows up in movies that you were going to see anyway (or ones you are now going to avoid). They did the calculations. They noted the big projects he's been a part of and how close he got to that Oscar, and they decided that he's a big star. But he just doesn't have any box office draw.
In any case, it seems obvious that both of these turds repel the kind of moviegoers that would have normally supported a movie like this. This film bombed hard. And not in a "this film only made a small profit!" way, which is how most people on these boards seem to use the term. No one went to see this thing, and it only made back about half of its production budget (15 mil box office, 28 mil budget). I'm guessing they spent a pretty penny on marketing, too. I'd like to think this film's failure would cause people to rethink casting Eisenberg, but the new DC megadisaster will make a billion worldwide and he'll ride that gravy train into plenty of future projects.