Realistic Makeup...

Did anybody else think that the cuts and bruises sustained in this film had a realistic quality to them with all the swelling and etc?

I see a lot of people trash talking this movie, but I think it was a thoroughly entertaining, short, action movie with some light comedic elements. My only complaint would be that I cannot stand Kristen Stewart, but I think she was her least annoying in this movie.


You have every right to not like Kristen Stewart, you seem to not be alone. I am curious what made you come to this decision, if you don't mind.


Honestly, I think Twilight is the main reason that I never liked her. I remember being with a girlfriend 6 years ago who simply loved Twilight, but I couldn't make it through half of the movie. It was so terrible, and KS acting was just blank and confusing. Like I said, she's tolerable in this movie, but she just doesn't seem to display any passion or emotion.


Not a Kristen Stewart fan but I thought she was funny in this movie. She pulls off the cute stoner chick pretty well. I'd like to think she's like that in real life


Just look at what you're writing, she pulls off the "cute stoner chick pretty well", you mean a person who has limited dialogue, looks good, and walks around comatose? The way she has been delivering lines her whole life? Exactly, Keanu Reeves was perfect in The Watcher as an emotionless serial killer, but it doesn't make him a good actor.


Do you really think anyone cares about what some psychological mad person has to say.
Your signature is everywhere and you have been tagged.


I don't have a signature, you delusional person. Learn what anyone means. Learn what everywhere means. Awful rebuttal by the way...
