good movie.dont see the hate
i thought this would suck. but its really good
I agree. Wasn't bad. I didn't watch this at first because I am not a big KS fan, thought Jessie was miscast and honestly felt like Max Landis was a bit of a douche.
Watched the film and I was wrong on all accounts.
Two awful one note actors who were graced with careers doing a comedy? No. A psychological thriller? No. An action movie? No. Everything about this movie was off and it had no identity. Plus watching Kristen Stewart try and muster up "I love you" lines while Jesse "Zero Range" Eisenberg plays, you guessed it, Jesse "Zero Range" Eisenberg. Average at best...
shareSo masturbatemany or whatever your name is..... You're gonna cram your negative, dim-witted opinion down everyone's throat aren't ya? Read 4 threads and you are blasting the movie and actors in every one. Put down the keyboard you are boring everyone.
shareHe's right though. Marketing screwed this up its not a comedy. Nothing funny about it. The guy smokes a little weed at the beginning and during a gun fight break and it's labeled a stoner film. Action sure fine had action in it but not a comedy.
shareOf course you can't figure out my name despite it being written in the comment you're replying to, huh? Learn what everyone means.
shareI agree that it's a decent movie. I enjoyed it.
shareI as well thought this was a good movie, and movies that try and tackle multiple genres are a lot more common these days.
I noticed a lot of the negative comments that seemed to be about how it wasn't a comedy, or an action, or a romantic comedy, or a drama and that it should have picked one, but that didn't bother me. I mean how many action movies have some romantic subplot anyways?
The shift in tones helped support the main characters confusion and general freaking out about what was happening in and to his life, and his responses seemed to fit his character though I'm sure there were those out there wondering when he'd finally snap into full super agent identity, but I don't think that would have been as realistic as the way it was directed.
If You're Failing to Plan,
You're Planning to Fail.
I disagree with "really good" but it's worth a watch if there's something about it that grabs you.
What I don't get in theory is people who watched it and found nothing in it funny. Humor is subjective but there's a few hilarious moments if not just lines...some people take movies way to seriously.