Will Disney spoil things for us or will a film featuring Laura make it to the screen? I would hope that they continue the role played by Dafne Keen and not replace her with a different actress. I thought she was great in Logan and deserves the opportunity to continue as X-23 if she wishes. Laura definitely had a menacing and fierce look about her, like she could slice you in half with her eyes, I think Dafne was perfectly cast.
She will. Back in October it was reported that a X-23 spin-off was in the works, and as far as I know Dafne is likely to return (it would be unjust if she didn’t). They might take the film in a totally seperate direction from Logan though. But no, this is not because of Disney.
Before the Disney/Fox deal came through, one of the X-Men producers mentioned that the spin-off will not have the same influences as Logan and it may go in a new pathway for the series altogether. Makes sense for the character, if you ask me. And I wouldn’t worry about Disney holding back from putting out gritty R rated Marvel films; I’m sure it’s already been said that Deadpool is remaining the way he is.
On a side note, I heard something about James Mangold coming back for the spin-off. I don’t know to what extent or if he even will be involved, but it would be great if he were to direct this Laura film. If not, hopefully they can get another excellent director to do the job.
I heard that also, it was reported that Mangold was already working on a script. A lot of fans hope this film makes it to the screen, but quite a few have stated that they would prefer an older actress. Personally I would prefer that Dafne continue and grow with the role and if Mangold is involved this will likely be the case. Hopefully Disney will support the idea of this project and allow Mangold to make the film.