
Saw Mick on Charlie Rose, ever the carnival barker, the guy just disgusts me.
I am glad he has had a great life, but every time he does a movie he prostitutes
himself out in the marketing of it saying it is his best work ... he is disgusting.
Like Sean Connery, just doing any movie he can flash his tarnished pearlies in,
I am just tired of Michael Caine and his cockney voice.

I do still find imitations of Caine, like in "The Trip" a lot more interesting and
amusing than the real thing these days!

Wait for the NetFlix ... it won't be long.


Well, I have to admit I kind of liked this movie.
I have no idea what I saw or what it was about, but it was interesting.
No car crashed, murders, wars, aliens, vampires ... must be tough these days.
Good movie.
