Fred's conducting

I've worked under many professional conductors in my time. I found Fred's conducting quite unconvincing. For starters, he waved his arms symmetrically all the time -- something I have never seen a real conductor do. I think they should have hired a conducting coach, to make Fred more believable. As it was I kept thinking, "Oh, that's Michael Caine trying, ineptly, to conduct."

You want thingamabobs? I got twenty!


Cool. Now think about how many people worked under even amateur conductors. Yeah. It was convincing. Its the same as a lawyer watching a film about law and just being mad about the nonsense in it. Its a movie.


I don't know enough about conducting to have noticed, so it never bothered me. I can see how it would someone with more experience of it, though.

I liked how in the final performance for the Queen, Ballinger seemed to have taken inspiration from the boy he had heard repetitively fumbling with the beginning of his song, and directed the lead violinist to play the opening in similar fashion. (It looked like the other musicians were a bit confused by this at first.)


I just thought thats how the song went and the pauses were written there. Maybe you are right. Nothing like a child looking up to your work as we saw in this movie.


This is an interesting comment. Ignore the trolls who think that critique equals complaint.


I was botherd by his "conducting" too. Of course, not everyone knows about the real conducting, but if you know, you know. But the thing is, this is just one of a hundred things that are wrong and false in this film, so it's not just a minor flaw.
