MovieChat Forums > Youth (2015) Discussion > Based on real people

Based on real people

Or are they just types?

Dano = Downey Jr.?
Keitel = DiPalma
Caine = Philip Glass??
Or am I making too much of how much Q Man sounds like Iron man, and the bloody woman in Keitel's vision who looks like Carrie?
I know this is a superficial question for what was a relatively deep movie about age, art, loss and love, but what's so wrong with a superficial question?


I think dano is more likely Shia Lebouf and Mr Q is Transformers. True he didn't play a robot in Transformers but I assume they changed it enough to avoid potential lawsuits.
The football players obviously Maradona. Only change is he has Karl Marx on his back, not Che.
Who's Jane Fonda meant to be? In that make-up she looks like Joan Crawford.


Yeah, LaBeouf's a good guess. Not sure about Fonda. Catherine Deneuve?


I don't think Catherine has anything to do with that character. She was not in the streets or sucking producers' ck** from what I know, nor has she aged so horribly, right? And it could also be that some characters don't represent specific people, but inspired by a number of people and their lives?


Brenda Morel seems to be a composite of past movie stars. Three or four are referenced in her lines.

The running discussion of Gilda Black may be an indirect reference to Rita Hayworth who was Gilda in "Gilda" in which she wore what's become an iconic black dress.

I believe Rita Hayworth in that black dress is also included in the scene with all the actresses in the pasture. She's the one in B/W who delivers the line, "Okay...You can sleep with me. On one condition...You don't come. That way you'll remember me forever."

*Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance*


I thought someone like Joan Crawford or Bette Davis in the latter stages of their career. Pancake makeup and BIG ACTING in some lowish-budget gothic melodrama.
If I hadn't know Jane Fonda was in the film I'm not sure I would have recognized her under all that makeup - I assume that was deliberate on her part.


I saw notably many references to "real life", and the range of reality<->acting as very broad: some people as 'themselves' (Sumi Jo for example), some 'lookalikes' (Maradona), some 'plausible' (Miss Universe), some 'miscellaneous' (the Carrie reference), and some 'direct' (Shia LaBeouf). I wouldn't assume either that "all" the characters represent a specific individual or that "all" the characters are types.


Maradona was definitely implied. "The whole world knows you're left-handed" scene was pure genius.


Chuck, I think you are right.


Regarding Keitel's character, I've thought about Tony Scott for obvious reasons.


M Caine = E Morricone (he wears very similar glasses)
